Man of the house

494 28 21


I sat at my desk, surrounded by the familiar sound of the radio that plays in my office. The glow of the computer screen illuminating my focused expression as I typed away. Emails of course and I straightened some papers so they were neatly stacked. While I was typing, my mind couldn't help but to wonder to what everyone was telling me last night about Ariana being engaged and how it really didn't matter because if we truly are meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other.

I quickly shake the thought out of my head because the fact of the matter is that she is engaged and has already moved on, and I'm in the process of moving on, possibly with Catherine. Catherine and I just click so much and every time I'm with her I feel happier.

My thinking was cut short when a gentle knock sounded on my door. Samantha usually calls me before someone comes up, but maybe it was another co-worker

"Come in" I said not looking up from my notepad

The door slowly creaked open, but I still didn't bother to look up

"What can I do for you?" I asked as I finished writing something down

"Can I get a record deal?" I heard a familiar voice

"Catherine" I looked up with a smile

"Hi" she smiled gently with a cute little wave

I stand up to meet her in the middle of the room and she pulled me into a peck

"Thought I'd come and visit you" she said

"I'm glad you did" I said

"That Samantha of yours is so funny" she smiled

"Oh god. What did she say?" I asked already feeling slightly embarrassed

"She said that I really am mommy" she laughed

I mentally face palmed

"I'm sorry about her" I laughed

"No please, I take it as a huge compliment" she assured me

I smiled not really knowing what to say

"So this is the big master desk?" She asked walking over to it

"Master?" I asked

"Well you are the boss aren't you?" She asked

"I am, yes" I nodded

"Then this is the master desk" she said sitting at it with a nod

I watched as she crossed one leg over the other

"And you have a comfy chair" she slouched a bit

I laughed lightly as I watched her with my arms crossed over my chest

"I have an office at the university, but the chair is super uncomfortable" she told me

"I can send you the info for this one" I said

"Or maybe I'll just steal this one from you" she teased

"Be my guest, but just know that it's about five years old" I warned

"Five years and it still feels like this?" She asked

I nodded

"Damn" she said

"Not that I don't like that you're here, I was actually just getting ready to leave" I said

"Is that so?" She asked in a flirty tone as she got up and walked over to me

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