I could kiss you

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"I really appreciate you flying out here. I know Reneé said you were busy with some stuff in New York and the fact that you set time aside to come here and hand me these in person means a lot" I told Adam with a smile

"It's no problem. It was the only right way to seal the deal" he told me

I turned my attention to Reneé to see her rocking on her heels

"You alright?" I asked her

"Me? Oh yea" she nodded eagerly

"I appreciate you allowing me to still be her manager" Adam spoke up

"Oh please, that had nothing to do with me. I try not to split managers up and to be honest, there's never any reason to" I said

"There isn't?" Reneé asked

I shook my head no

"When I got with Interscope, they made me switch managers" she told me

"They did?" I asked genuinely confused

She nodded

"Record labels have no say in who you manager is or isn't" I said raising and eyebrow

Reneé looked at me with a confused look

"Well I'm glad I have Adam now" she said patting his should

He looked down at her slightly and smiled

"Everything is signed?" I asked them

"Everything" Adam nodded

"Well then welcome to the family" I held my hand out for him to shake first

He grabbed hold of it and shook it firmly

"Also thank you for giving us so much time to think about it and get everything settled. I don't know how you did it, but Interscope let her off with no problems" he said

"Yea, how did you get me out exactly?" Reneé asked

"Oh it was just a little business" I said

"What kind of business?" She asked

"I paid a small fee" I said

"How small?" She asked

"Reneé, you don't just ask that" Adam said

"Well I want to know" Reneé said

"Small enough" I replied

"Just leave it at that" Adam told her

"Fine, I'll try. I'll ask you about it more when we get closer" she told me

"I can't promise a real answer" I replied with a smile

"Sleep with one eye open" she threatened me jokingly

"Be careful, I have a dog" I joked right back

"Little do you know, I'm a dog whisperer" she said

"Ob are you?" I asked with a smile

"Totally" she said in an uncertain tone

"Well we'll see" I shook my head

"So is this really it?" She asked as she pointed to the papers in my hand

"This is really it" I nodded

The biggest smile formed on her face as she moved in to hug me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders as mine found the middle of her back

"I could kiss you right now!" She cheered

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