Can I buy you a new one

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I wake up with no issues, not an ounce of tiredness, just nervousness. Reneé's manager Adam agreed to meet with me considering I was willing to meet him in New York. Before actually rolling out of bed, I, of course check my messages and see that Samantha texted me and tend to that one first


Is it true?


No work today?

Where did you hear that?


Well Anne didn't prank you this time

Not that I don't love my job, but YES!
But also why?

I have some things I need to take care of

Everything alright?

Just meeting with Reneé's manager

So you had to close the whole office?

I have to go to New York


It's only for a few hours, if not a day

Not so lucky :(


You're going to New York just to meet with him?

I want Renee to join us real bad

Uh oh, does someone have a crush

What no, but she is extremely talented

Very true. I listened to one of her songs last night

Which one

Stomach pains or something

Tummy Hurts?

Oh yea, that one

sTomAcH pAiNs

Shut up

I'll see you when I get back

Not if it's at 3 am you won't

You know what I mean

Yea, yea. Stay safe and bring Renee back with you

I will do my best

As long as you do your best

I shake my head with a smile before leaving my messages and going to Instagram. The usual fan edits pop up in my tagged list. I watch a few, but don't bother liking any. I don't want to give the fan's the wrong impression. I then go to my explore page and see an account posted that Ariana had landed back in LA sometime in July after wrapping up the filming of Wicked. I accidentally liked the post, but waste no time in unliking it before anyone saw.

I don't loathe any longer and decide to actually get out of bed and get ready for my flight that is supposed to be at noon. I gather some clothes before making it to the bathroom and setting my water to the perfect temperature before getting in. Once the water is just the way I like it, I step in and move on to do my usual routine and added a few extra steps like shaving my legs. Once I'm done with that, I wrap myself in a towel and move to stand in front of the mirror in order to wash my face and brush my teeth

someone like you Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang