Here, just let me help you

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The night with Catherine went by fast. Faster than I would have liked. Not to mention, she's an amazing cook. I was getting ready to head out the door when I realized I didn't have my phone with me

"Oh shit" I said to myself going back in and getting it

Once I had it in my hand, I made sure to lock my house up before going to my car. I didn't get home until late last night and then didn't go to sleep until late... well I guess early this morning, so I'm clearly tired. I buckle up and pull out of the driveway. I turn the radio up a little louder in hopes that it'll wake me up. As I'm listening to Justin Bieber play on the radio, I tap my fingers against the steering wheel, feeling myself becoming a little more awake

"That was Justin Bieber with Peaches here on LA's hits. Next we have Billie Eilish with What Was I Made For" the radio guy said

I listened carefully to each word she sang. I can tell that each lyric had its own meaning and she tried to really show that, not to mention, it really captured what the Barbie movie was meant to be about. I continue to listen to the radio for the rest of the drive to work before pulling into the lot and parking in my usual spot.

I grabbed all my things, making sure not to forget my phone this time and walked through the glass doors of the building

"Morning Samantha" I said with very little energy

"Morning, whoa, what happened to you?" She asked

"Just didn't get much sleep" I said honestly

"How come?" She asked

"Just couldn't sleep" I half lied

"Mhm, or did a certain blonde keep you up?" She asked teasingly

"No blonde kept me up" I laughed

She hummed like she still didn't believe me

"Do I have anything this morning?" I asked changing the subject

"Derek from Republic Records wants you to call him when you have time, you have a few emails to respond to, one meeting at ten, then no more meetings for the rest of the day" she said

"Thank you" I nodded

"You're welcome" she sent me a soft smile

With that, walked to the elevator in order to go to my office. Yes, I'm that tired, I'm taking the elevator. Once I made it to my office, I called Derek like Samantha had said

"Hey this is Derek, sorry I missed your call. I'll get back to you if you leave your name and number" his voicemail played

"Hey Derek it's Y/n Knight. I'm calling you back from earlier. Call me back when you get the chance, bye" I said leaving a message

Once I was done, I hung up and got started on those emails as I prepared for the meeting


"How was it?" Samantha asked as I came out of the meeting

"Boring, as always" I laughed

"At least you got it done and out of the way" she said looking on the bright side

"True" I yawned

"You should really get into a better sleep schedule" she told me

"I have a pretty good sleep schedule, just last night I had trouble" I said

"You should take melatonin" she suggested

"I'll check it out, but I think I'm gonna go get a coffee from that little café, do you want anything?" I asked Samantha

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