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I quickly pull into my parking space and gather my things as I'm running a bit behind. Once I'm sure I have everything, I start to walk into the building

"Well, well, well. Good morning Miss Celebrity" Samantha told me as I stumbled in

"Uh, good morning, but why are you calling me that?" I asked confused

"A little late aren't we?" She asked

"Only a tad, but why are you calling me that?" I asked still confused

"You didn't see?" She asked me

"She what?" I asked

"What's your go to Denny's order?" She asked me teasingly

"My go to Denny's order? What?" I asked

Samantha looked at me, waiting patiently for me to remember something

"Ohhh" I dragged out when it finally clicked

"Oh" I said

"So what's your go to order?" She asked

"I don't have one" I said

She hummed

"The girl posted the picture?" I asked

"She did and she gushed about how nice you were" she said

"She was the nice one" I said

"A ton of news outlets also reposted the picture" she added

I nodded

"And who was that girl you were with?" Samantha asked

Shit I forgot about her

"Oh she was just a friend" I said

"A friend huh?" Samantha asked

"Mhm" I hummed

"She's an awfully pretty friend" she said

"She is, isn't she?" I went along

"Alright, alright. I'll leave you alone about it" Samantha told me

"Thank you" I tapped her desk as a kind gesture

"You have a meeting at two" she told me

"Okay, thanks" I called back as I was walking up the stairs

She didn't respond, which allowed me to make it to my office while also greeting a few people who were around the halls. Once I made it to my office I sat down and signed into my computer before pulling my phone out and looking for the girls Instagram. Sure enough, she did in fact post the picture, tagged me, and included a kind caption mentioning how grateful she was to meet me and how nice I was. I liked the photo and commented two white heart emoji's under the post before reading through the comments. Despite the girl only having a thousand followers, this one picture had thirty six thousand comments

A lot of them were tagging me in an attempt to get my attention. Some of the others tagged Ariana to get her attention. When scrolling through, a few comments caught my eye. One asked who the woman with me was, to which Ellie replied with a "not sure, she was mommy though." I couldn't help but to laugh and screenshot it to show Catherine later. Another portion of comments were saying that Catherine was potentially my new girlfriend and it was refreshing to see me with someone after, what they think, a sudden break up.

My explore page was also filled with the same picture form other accounts like TMZ and some shade rooms, which I don't know why. Nothing I did was shady, but alright. As I'm about the close the app and turn my phone off, Catherine's caller ID popped up at the top of my screen

"It seems like the rest of the world thinks I'm mommy too" she said immediately once I answered

"You saw it too?" I asked

"Yea and I must say, I had no idea you had so many fans" she said

"Says you" I joked

She laughed

"But in all seriousness, I'm sorry. I didn't think she was going to post it and if she did, I thought she would crop you out" I apologized

"No need to apologize for that, but you should apologize for saying that she would crop me out" she said with a hint of amusement in her voice

"Right, I'm sorry" I told her

She hummed

"Have you read the comments, they're hilarious" she said

"I read the ones under the original post" I said

"No you have to read the Pop Culture ones" she said

"Let me see" I said opening Instagram again and clicking on the post

"Catherine" I said

"Funny right?" She asked with a hint of laughter

"Why is everyone saying you walk me like a dog" I pouted even though she couldn't see it

"I don't know, but those are definitely my favorite comments" she laughed

"Not the dog emoji's" I said as I kept scrolling

That just caused her to laugh even more

"Keep going, keep going. There are some teacher comments" she told me

"How did they find our you were a professor?" I asked

"No clue, but I'm not even mad" she laughed

I kept scrolling and started to find the teacher comments

"NO!" I said loudly

Catherine burst out into a fit a laughter

"This is a nightmare" I rubbed my face

"More like a wet dream for me" she joked

"Ah gross" I told her

She laughed

"Someone said you must have a thing for women with dimples" she spoke up after her laughter calmed down a bit

"Maybe I do" I said

"Good to know" she said in a flirty voice

"But I really am sorry. This should all dial back in about a week" I apologized once again

"No, don't apologize. It's not your fault" she said

"I know, but-" I started

"Shh" she cut me off

"Okay" I said

"I would like to see you again though" she said

"Me too" I said with a smile

"Maybe you can come over one day after work?" She asked with a hopeful tone

"Sure, let me know you're available" I agreed

"How about tomorrow? I would say tonight, but I have an office hour with a few students" she said

"Tomorrow sounds good" I said

"Perfect! I have to let you go and start walking to my next class" she told me

"Okay, I'll talk to you later" I said

"But still text me okay?" She asked

"Okay" I said with a nod

"Good, I'll talk to you soon" she told me

We said our final goodbyes before we ended the call. I couldn't help but to smile to myself at the thought of even being romantically involved with someone after nearly two years. Before I actually get started on work, I go back to Instagram and screenshot the picture for myself and send the girl a dm, telling her it was nice to meet her


I'm getting so excited for this book!!!!!

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