
Começar do início


"Carl," I trail off, not expecting my words to fall short.

She chuckles and I look back to her with narrow eyes.

Why is it every single time I bring Carl up, people begin to laugh?

At once, it hits me that Carl had his interview with Deanna just before I came in. As he left, I walked in..

"What did he say?" I ask, ready to find Carl myself and question him.

"Nothing.. I just remembered something else. Please, continue," she waves her hand.

"If you begin lying to me now, how can I trust this place later?" I question her.

"Fair enough," she nods, "Tell me first. I'll tell you after."


She never did show me it.. Even when I was leaving, she promised again.


I stand, walking alongside her toward the door. Just feet away, I remember something.

"You said you'd tell me what's on Carl's tape."

Deanna grins, placing her hand comfortingly on my back.

"I never said when I'd do that. But, I promise I will some day."


Oh, Carl Grimes.. You unknowingly handed me something I wanted for months.

Smiling, I click back to his video. The shot before it plays alone made my heart speed up. He looked like he did months ago, no bandage and short hair Judith looked tinier than ever on his lap making me realize just how much she's grown since we got to Alexandria.

Grinning, I move to push the play button before Maggie's voice sounds.

"Jade, it's time," she calls.

You get away free this time, Grimes..

I place the camera back in my bag, racing to the balcony to stand on Maggie's other side, putting her between Kate and I.

Maggie takes a deep breath before pulling the walkie talkie to her lips.

"Negan," she demands, "I want to talk to Negan."

It's only a matter of seconds before someone responds.

"Well, hello there. You are speaking to Negan. But, my birth certificate says 'Simon'," he greets through the radio, "With whom do I have the distinct displeasure of speaking?"

"Maggie. Maggie Rhee," she says, "The widow."

"Well then.. Hello again Widow Rhee. And allow me to offer my condolences. For what's happened and what's about to happen."

"You know.." he begins, "In Sanskirt, 'Widow' means empty.. I understand you got a kid who's half orphan now because of all this.."

I don't look to Maggie, but I could feel her eyes on me.

"There's another word in Sanskirt- 'Vilomah'.. You wanna know what that one means?"

When Maggie doesn't answer, Simon's sarcastic snicker sounds before his answer does.

"'Vilomah' means a parent that lost their kid.. Now, I want you to think about this and think about it real hard. There's a chance that after this- your girl could be an orphan. Or, you could be not only the Widow, but the Vilomah as well."

Eyes Closed [TWD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora