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5 years ago....

"Ame! Ame! Wait up!"

"Hurry or we're gonna miss it!"

I laughed and ran up the hill, my bare feet pounded against the soft grass as I raced under the dark sky. I heard my little brother behind me, his lungs gasping for air in rhythm with my own.

"Nada! Look!" I turned and grabbed my brother's shoulder, shaking him in excitement.

I turned my head up to the sky, it was a perfect night for a meteor shower.
The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight, and the tall hill gave us an advantage over the trees and the house below.

I calmed my breath as my eyes scanned the sky, it was filled with starlight. Although I often snuck out here to look at them, it wasn't what I was after tonight.

"There!" My hand shot forward, my finger pointing to the falling star.

Okay so the correct term is actually "meteor" but falling star sounds much cooler. Even though they aren't actually stars, they're meteoroids that have entered Earth's atmosphere and are made of silicon, oxygen, iron, and nickel depending on the kind. I'd spent the whole week reading up on them before the shower.

"Wow..." I breathed softly, plopping down in the grass.

Canada sat down next to me and spoke softly.

"Ame moms gonna get mad if she knows you snuck out again... we should go back."

"No way!" I laughed, laying down as the meteors streaked above our heads. "Come on Nada just a few more minutes. This is the opportunity of a lifetime."

There were a few moments of silence before my brother laid down next to me and we watched the sky together.
I couldn't help but smile as I watched the stars dance above my head. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Definitely cooler than it was in my space documentaries.

"I'm gonna do it one day Nada." I said, my voice full of confidence. I reached my hands up, framing the heavens with my hands. "One day I'm touching the stars and no one will ever be able to make me come down. Not mom or dad or my teachers or anyone."

"Do you really think you can do it big brother?" Nada asked. "It looks so far away...."

"I can do it Nada." I turned to him, looking into his soft brown eyes. "Just wait and see."

A/n: Welcome back everyone! And welcome to newcomers as well! I'm so happy you're here and I'm excited to share this story with you.
Ames' story is something I've been wanting to tell ever since I finished We Are A Family but I needed some time to work things out.
Thank you again for all your support and for Arrietty-Rune For letting me continue to use your headcanons. I will forever be grateful for your generosity. Happy reading everyone!

Chapter 1 drops tomorrow (6/11/21) so stay tuned!!!

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