chapter forty nine *

Start from the beginning

She turned to him with wide eyes as Harry rolled his own once more as he whispered, "Nice one, mate."

"What I'm trying to say is that we're ready now, before it was just a shot in the dark with no real plan. Believe me Marls... this one is solid," Louis backtracked, panicking slightly as he tried to ease the tension building in the room.

"I just feel like it could all go wrong too quickly," she mumbled under her breath. "I mean what are you going to do if he pulls a gun out, Harry?"

He sighed quickly before he stood. "Blue," he said quietly. "Trust me when I say that I've dealt with people a hell of a lot worse than Dean."

He chuckled a bit before he looked at her and he hadn't expected that to be her reaction. She simply rolled her eyes, scoffing slightly before she walked towards him, knocking his shoulder with hers as she mumbled out a quiet, "Jackass" before walking out of the kitchen.

He looked around the room for a moment, Louis sending a dangerous look before he rolled his eyes, "Are you fucking serious right now?"

Harry was shocked by his words. He stayed silent for a moment before he finally asked, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Robin," Louis said as he looked over to the man in his uniform that made Harry want to hit him. "Can you give us a second?"

Robin simply nodded his head, "Uh- yeah," he said with a slight cough. "I'll just- go try to calm her down."

With that he stood from the table and followed the girl's trail, practically running out of the room as he headed to where Marley had gone. Louis stood swiftly from the table as he approached Harry quickly, slapping the back of his head as Harry hissed in pain.

"What the hell," he mumbled as he held the back of his head, raising his other hand to smack Louis in the shoulder.

"Can you get your head out of your arse for one second," Louis snapped, shaking his head as he headed to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water for them. "She's scared, you idiot."

"You don't think I know that," Harry hissed before snatching the water out of Louis' hand and taking a seat back down at the table. "This is all she had been worried about since the second she moved in here."

"Look Harry," he said quietly, leaning his body against the wall across from him. "To you; Dean not be the scariest thing you have faced in your life but can you just for one second look at this from her perspective?"

"That's why I'm doing all of this in the first place," Harry said, taking a sip of his water before he continued. "For her."

"I know but that's not what I'm talking about."

"What is it then," Harry questioned, his voice not laced with venom like he expected but simply that of curiosity.

Because he has tried to think of this from her perspective, he has looked at it from every angle and each time he came up with the same answer... he needed to do this for her. He didn't understand why she was so hesitant with the whole thing; in fact, he thought she would be happy that Dean would be gone. With the man finally put away then she can sleep at night, not worrying if he was going to come back.

"I'm gonna say something and you have to promise you won't get mad," Louis said slowly, staring at Harry carefully before he waited for his response.

"Louis, just say it," Harry sighed, waiting for Louis to speak. But once he realized he was going to sit in silence due to Louis' stubbornness, he groaned heavily before rubbing his hands over his face. "Fine, I promise. I won't get mad just fucking tell me."

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