27: Congratulations, VIP

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Juneau's POV

I picked up my desk phone and slipped on my headphones. "Thank you for calling Wet Dreams."

"Hey," an unfamiliar male voice greeted me.

"Hi. Who am I speaking with today?"

"Who would you like to speak with," he teased in a voice that, with one raspy squeak, sounded juvenile.

For fuck's sake, this was another prank call since schools were off for the holiday. Pranking a phone sex line didn't seem the best way to honor our country's veterans. "You tell me." I opted for politeness and got straight to the point. With two high school-aged prank callers so far this afternoon, I threw Adam a look that I hoped screamed my internal, 'Seriously?'

His lifted eyebrows and blowjob hand-and-mouth gesture were less helpful, so I sighed at the blank wall facing my desk. "What's your name?"

A round of muffled laughs. "Mike."

No way this ended without a confession that his name was Mike Rotch or Mike Hunt, the brother of my earlier Ben Dover and Jack Mehov, followed by a hang-up. "Alright, Mike," I spoke slowly to fight the clock. If he wouldn't milk his dick, I could still milk his wallet. Woah, where did that nastiness come from? I cupped my chin and forced a steady breath. "What would you like to talk about?"

"What would you like to talk about?" The neutrality of his voice and how he threw my questions back got old fast.

"Hmm. Whatever you want." I scrunched my nose and fluffed one of my desk plant's leaves. These brown tips weren't looking promising. "I'm happy to listen."

"I'm happy to listen to what you'd like to say."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes. "Point me in a direction Mike, and I'm happy to get started in this conversation."

"Go ahead," he prompted with another suppressed snort.

What was I, a circus monkey? Running out of ways to say the same thing was more like it. "Tell me about yourself, Mike." At this point, I gritted my teeth and drummed my fingers on my desk near my still-empty frame.

"I'd rather hear about you."

Of course, that was his answer. I needed to set this prank up so it could end. "Fine." I smiled. This idiocy was on his dime, not mine. "Ask me anything, and I'll answer."

Muffled snorts preceded his cleared throat. "Would you like to know my last name?"

Here we go. "Absolutely." I grimaced at the suppressed snickers in the background. By my count, at least two others eavesdropped on this conversation, which–

"Hunt!" He burst into laughs, echoed by more in the background, then hung up.

I hadn't removed my headset when my desk phone lit up again. With a deep breath, I exhaled a string of curse words, then sat up straighter. "Hello?" I swallowed the tightness in my throat.

"Hi, June." 

Damian's voice gave me an instant smile, melting the throbbing in my forehead. Despite an unusual hesitation on his end, my shoulders relaxed, and the strain in the back of my neck melted away. With his two words, I exhaled every ounce of tension out of my body. "Hey! I'm in the office today."

Since I hadn't heard from Damian in four days, I was damn near giddy and bouncing in my seat. Getting myself off in the private comfort of home was one thing, but I wasn't sure I could control myself around his voice if needed. No comment on Adam likely cheering me on from the sidelines.

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