Balance: The Knight

Start from the beginning

"Castor!" Iris jumped up to hug him. 

"Hey, little flower!" the dude smiled and grasped Iris in a bear hug.

"Castor! Stop! You're embarrassing me!" Iris laughed as she was swung around the castle's tower. I could only imagine Nathaniel expression.

I heard grumbling and his fists were clenched, as if he were about to unleash his fury on the dude. 

"And I've heard about you, Talia, Auriana, Carissa, Nathaniel, Lev, Dawn, and Chandler. I'm a big fan." he squealed. For as tall and intimidating as he was, he seemed like a regular, hormonal teenager.

Nathaniel laughed nervously, "A fan?" 

"Yes! There's this anonymous author who writes stories about you." 

We all stared at him. 

"You don't get out much, do you?" Talia asked. 

"Nope! But you're here to see the Knight, correct?" 


"No one ever wants to come up here." he sighed. 

Auriana cautiously stepped over the unconscious body. 

"Why'd you knock him out?" Carissa said warily. 

"Oh, well, anything for my Iris." he grinned at her and embraced her again. 

"Just be careful. He's been going crazy lately." he warned us.

He opened the door. We all went in, to find it was a very spacious room. 

"Princess Lyna. Where is Princess Carissa?" a voice asked. 

We all hesitated to turn around. 

"King Cinis! What are you doing here? Are you going to ask the knight some questions?" Talia greeted him nervously. 

There was a mumble of hellos. 

"Where's the knight?" Iris demanded, drawing her sword. 

"Iris!" Nathaniel reprimanded through his teeth. 

He laughed. 

"Oh, you poor child. I'm sorry, but you've missed him." 

There was a glint of purple behind him. Carissa's eyes flashed a stormy blue as she raised her dagger and drove it through the stomach of the King. 

Lyna screamed. 

Carissa walked through the body, not caring at all. 

"Carissa! What did you do?" Chandler screamed, shying away. 

"Nothing." Carissa tucked the dagger away. Lyna shrieked as she fell to the floor. She rushed over to her father's body, and hugged him. 

She turned around in tears, her face stained red. 

"You!" Lyna marched over and drew a weapon. She raised it, when Carissa put her hand in front of Lyna's face and snapped her fingers. 

Carissa held up her dagger and she watched as the blood dissipated. We looked behind Lyna and the dead King's body disappeared. 

Lyna wiped away her tears. 

"What happened?" Lyna whispered. 

"The dagger of illusions. Like one of those Tomb Raider things. When I take it, it activates... something. This time, it activated a deadly illusion." 

"Well, aren't illusions supposed to be, like, transparent." 

"Not this kind. The dagger can summon an illusion at will. It took on the form of a loved one. This dagger can kill life-like illusions. These illusions can kill, eat, drink, sleep. Some even believe they are alive. They can be controlled, too. You must just impale the dagger in the illusion's heart, and it will die. Then, snap your fingers. It will dissipate." 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now