Balance: Ephedian

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"You shouldn't have to leave so soon!" The King protested. There was something off about the look in his eye. It wasn't exactly a plea, but more as if... he was hiding something. 

"Let your friends go off! You must stay here." he urged. 

Iris quickly lost her temper. Nathaniel put his hand on her shoulder to calm her. Her expression turned from angry to impatient. 

"Why?" she asked suspiciously. 

"Because..." he stammered. His authority faltered. His voice was high-pitched, as if he was in denial. 

Iris raised an accusing eyebrow. 

Nathaniel shot a seemingly empty stare at the King, and he nodded. THe king sighed in defeat. 

"Fine. Go with your friends." he said. 


I slung a backpack on my shoulder. This was getting tiring. I mean, seriously?!

We JUST had an adventure, give or take 5 years ago, when we were trying to stop "evil Iris". 

That was when she broke up with me. 

Then, Dawn came back. She...

She also broke up with me. I didn't even do anything wrong. Her friend, Caraline, made a move on me, even when I said I CLEARLY wasn't interested. 


"Lev? THe others are getting ready to go." Dawn called, as she rapped on my door. Her voice was distant, but affectionate. 

"Yeah, coming." I replied, stuffing another water bottle into my backpack. I grabbed a strap , and tightened it so it would fit.

I opened the door to Dawn, leaning against the wall, tapping her foot impatiently. 

"Sorry." I muttered. She smiled at me, but it was barely visible. 

"No problem." she murmured. 

Walking in silence down the hall was irritating. I had so much to say to her. Apologies, and just, words. 

Words to describe how much she meant to me. 

I stopped in the middle of my shuffle. She whirled around, the backpack swinging about. 

"Dawn, I-"I started, but I trailed off, not even knowing where to begin. 

She smiled. 

"I know." 

"I didn't even-" she cut me off abruptly. 

"Look, Lev. I still like you. A lot. But the decisions you made are irreversible." she countered. 

"I didn't do anything! It was your friend's fau-" I protested. 

"You really want to bring that up after a year?! She did nothing! She pleaded her case." she snapped. 

I recoiled in shock. 

"I guess once you know someone well enough, you start making excuses for them."

She stared at me, a mix of hurt and regret on her face. 

"Caraline did nothing!" she protested, but her tone was weak. 

"She tried to kiss me. She ARRANGED for you to walk in, right at that moment." I shot back. 

"I don't want to hear your excuses." she shook her head as she covered her ears. She walked away without saying a word. 

I trailed behind her, keeping my distance. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now