Balance: Gathering

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1 day after the Downfall of Graymorr

"Please, please," a man in hooded cloak said, as he hurriedly knocked on a door in the rain. A roar of the fearsome black panther, Bane, was heard in the distance. 

The door opened with a loud celebration. The woman held a party glass in her hand and wore a big smile on her face. 

"Hello Madame." the figure whispered. 

"Yes?" she asked, as her 16-year-old son tried to see past the door frame. 

"Do you have a moment?" he asked frantically. 

"Sir, it's my son's birthday!" she protested.

"Your husband is dead." he whispered harshly. 

She dropped her glass. 

"What?" her voice shook. 

"Beware," he hissed, and fled in the darkness of the night. Another roar sounded from the forest, so loud that it shook the leaves off the trees. 

The man ventured into the path, weaving into the forest. He commanded the crystal horse to hurry up. Another roar was heard throughout the forest, and the man shuddered. A louder roar was heard, and his knees shook as he hurried through the damp path. The horses whinnied with worry and fear, but obeyed their master and kept going. 

It was only when they passed over the bridge was a howl heard, and the man, overcome with fright, stopped the horses completely. The branches and the leaves rustled in the darkness. Through the dark forest, the maroon colored eyes of the panther peered through to him, possibly peeking through to his very soul. 

A maniacal cackle was heard, before the man was eventually swallowed by the darkness. 

Present Day; 5 years after the events of Ephedia: IRIS POV 

I gathered the plates and the food, and slipped them into the basket. Another failed gathering. 

"Sorry, Iris, I can't make it. I'm getting an award for best singer!" Auriana had apologized. 

"We're still going through the papers of divorce." Talia and Chandler was their excuse. 

"I have another get-together. Maybe some other time?" Lyna had said. 

"Off fighting a minor battle in Ephedia." Carissa had coughed. 

"Iris, you know I'd love to come, but the feelings towards Lev are, complicated. I can't see him right now." was Dawn's excuse. 

"Sorry Iris, stuff." Lev had mumbled. 

Nathaniel rubbed my shoulders comfortingly as I gathered the picnic blanket. Somehow I felt they were all avoiding me. 

As if my boyfriend could read my mind, he whispered comfortingly, "I'm sure they're not avoiding you." 

I smiled at him, and looked at my phone. It was three. 

"Sorry, darling, I have to go. You know, it comes with acting." I said, planting a kiss on his cheek. He smiled grimly and kissed my forehead. 

I hurried off and caught a taxi, headed for the Sunny Bay transit bus. As I sat in my seat, I thought about the reasons that they would avoid each other. 

Talia and Chandler had been married once, they were actually married for 3 years before the break-up. It seemed the only thing they had in common was Ephedia. It drove them apart, and eventually they stopped coming to the gathering. 

Auriana was an aspiring singer, now that Lolirock had broken up, and she had chosen that career path. She was often getting lots of attention, and awards. She had gotten two Grammys, one for best artist, and best album. She was also busy with Doug, her new boyfriend, who's after-Lolirock blog had made him rich and famous. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now