Balance: Human

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Another earthquake after the other. 

And when I say earthquake, I don't mean the land kind. Iris' body had small tremors, and they only relaxed when I embraced her for longer than necessary. 

There were so many things going on.  Constantly, Iris tried to bring the burden of others onto her own shoulders. I was trying to help her carry it, but she refused. 

Ever since her worst fears had come true, she seemed to be a shell of her former self. We even went to see a therapist to help her. She often refused the doctor's help. They had told me that she could have PTSD. At night, she would wake up sweaty and pale. She would tell Mr. Figgins, her therapist, about flashbacks to the terrifying moment. All the destruction, and the screams in her ears. The pleading for mercy. 

She was anxious and jumpy. The Iris I knew was laid back, and was laughing constantly. 

She was so hard on herself. Every single thing that she tried to block out the trauma in her head was breaking through her barrier.

Eventually, she got better. 

I mean, it's been five years. 

But the sadness stayed. The happiest I had seen her was when she was walking in Ephedia, glad to be with her family. 


Iris was stomping down the hallway, anger coursed in each and every step that she took. Dawn and Chandler walked by her side, silent but comforting.

We walked into the sleeping quarters of the palace. 

"Guys, you can sleep here tonight." Iris invited us each into separate rooms. 

"Thanks." a mumbled chorus of words was all that filled the quiet hallway as we drifted into our designated rooms. 

Iris shut the door to her room, and I stood alone in the hallway. Lev creaked the door open. 

"Dude, don't you have a room?" he asked. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I was just... waiting." I muttered. Lev shrugged his shoulders and closed the door. 

I heard the clatter of heels on the floor. Whirling around, I expected the maid. Instead, I found the Queen. Her warmness emanated from her smile permeated the air. 

"Do you mind? I need to talk to Iris." 

"O-Of course." 

I stuttered too much. 

"Which one is hers?" 

"The one on the far right." 

She smiled again and slowly opened the door. I could hear faint sobs. 

A firm hand on my shoulder shook me out of my trance. 

"Nathaniel. I need to talk to you." 

"Sir?" I asked, not fully concentrated on my answer. 

"I said I needed to talk to you." 

"Of course." 

The King led me down the hallway, his hand still firmly clamped on my shoulder. We sat in the library, face-to-face. His frown was visible on his face.

"My daughter only deserves the best."

"And?" I inquired, still not fully getting where this conversation was going. 

"If you are the One for my daughter, then you will prove yourself to me. Prove to me that you are the right match for her." he demanded. 

"What?!" I screamed outright. 

"Excuse me?" 

"I'm not saying that I'm her "perfect" match. But this shouldn't be up to you. It should be up to Iris." I crossed my arms and fell back into my chair. 

"I am her father." 

"Yes, you are, Darth Vader." 

"Did you seriously just compare me to a cartoon character?" 

"Okay, Gollum, do your worst." I frowned and leaned back in my chair. 

A confused look crossed his face. 

"What? You don't know Gollum, but you know Darth Vader?" I leaned even further into my chair. 

"Iris brought over some "Star Wars" movies last time she came to visit." he shrugged. 

"Look, you are her father, and you have the right to know who your daughter is dating, but it isn't your place to decide whether or not I should prove myself to you." 

There was only silence. 

"I guess you are right." he relented. 

"But, you have to protect her," he pleaded, "that is all I ask of you. The Balance in Ephedia is tipped. We could sink into the black hole any day now." 

I nodded and sat up straight. 

"What do you mean, black hole?" 

"I'm sure you've heard the story of the five knights." 

I nodded in confirmation. 

"Well, after Ansel was vanquished, his spirit became part of the Wailing Willows. The Wailing Willows are part of the black hole, that slowly sucks Ephedia in, little by little." 

A little shiver went down his spine as he said this. 

"I-I, lost someone very dear to me. She led the expedition down to the Wailing Willows, and never came back. A few days later, the only survivor, a knight now living in Borealis, came with shocking news. My loved one was gone. He spirit was taken captive along with dozens of others." his voice was grim and shaky. 

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect Iris." I murmured, standing up, leaving my seat behind. 

"One more thing, Nathaniel." 


"The Balance is tipped. There are five different corners that protect the Balance of Ephedia. One for each knight that defeated Ansel." 

Ansel's name was like taboo on the King's lips. 

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind." 

"Thank you." 

I left the library, silent. The light outside was fading, and the chatter of a million voices grew louder as I went further down the hallway. 

"Nate!" Iris exclaimed, as she rushed over to hug me. 

"It looks like you have all forgiven each other." I chuckled. 

Lev frowned. 


"I-I did some research in the library. I think that the Balance is tipped because one of the five corners of Ephedia is being broken. One for each knight that defeated Ansel. We have to restore the Balance. Somehow..." I trailed off. 

Iris put a comforting hand on my shoulder. 

"Nate, don't worry about it now. Let's relax." she let out a sigh, and her shoulders slumped. 

Dawn laughed, "I can see you all are tired." 

We all laughed it off, and went into our respective rooms. Before closing the door, I caught a glimpse of Chandler sending Dawn a worried look. Her face was contorted in a frown, and she barely paid attention to him. After an exchange of a wordless conversation, they finally closed the door. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now