Chapter 11

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William has been so scared to leave his room, the last time Ernest challenged him, he won. Good thing in the past he wasn't trying to kill him, he just wanted him to suffer and make him seem as the bad guy, not this time though, this time Ernest wants him dead, William has to walk with eyes on the back of his head just in case Ernest tries to strike. William admitted Ernest is a very scary person when you are on his 'To kill list' you can never know what he will do or when. He needs to get Ernest off of his back before he tries to kill him and William suspects it has something to do with Bert, why else would Ernest want to kill him if it wasn't because of Bert. If Ernest had found out that it was Elmer behind the mask he wouldn't be trying to kill him with poison, public execution would have worked depending on how much Ernest loathed Elmer

William knew he shouldn't act like a coward though there are something's that were really scary. If it weren't for Bert he would be six feet deep right now, he managed to escape it once, he was sure as hell not escaping it this time around. William doesn't know why he had gotten comfortable around here eating as if he wasn't surrounded by enemies in every corner even though they don't know who he is for now they are still enemies.

William got out of his bed going to the door, he might be scared but he shouldn't act like a coward. If Ernest was to try something he would be ready the next time. That is what he is trying to tell himself so he would get out of his bedroom. He managed to walk out of his bedroom where he had spent half a day without leaving. He made his way to the training area his eyes being cautious at all time, he doesn't know when Ernest will strike again 'Maybe he will stab me like he did Atlas' William thought shivering at the thought. He has had an arrow in his chest, he would never want anything stuck in there again.

William didn't know how on his tip toes he was until he reached the training room where Bert was training hard, this time he was lifting a carriage up in the air seeming to be focused to look to the side. William got the chance to check Bert out openly, taking in his flexed muscles glistened with sweat, his well defined abs that made William lick his lips. This was definitely not the body he once knew, this was stronger and sexier than ever this was one hundred times better than before, he didn't blame Ernest to be willing to kill just to have THAT in his bed. Only William knew what he would be willing to do just to have him in his bed one more time or forever if Bert didn't betray him

Bert was made to destroy William in every single way possible. The man was perfect, his smile could put a thousand stars to shame, his looks, he just always stood out even in the room filled with people. There was no way to miss him, with those sexy eyes that look at you and make you feel like your floating, William didn't know how to swim but he has definitely learnt how it felt like just by looking into Bert's eyes. Everything about Bert made him forget what really brought him here, it makes him want to be in those sexy arms for an entire night, maybe run away to a place where it will be just the two of them....

William noticed his thoughts that were trialling off of the reason that brought him here, Bert betrayed him period, he needed to put that on record so not to get side tracked by the handsome witch, he cleared his throat "Do you ever get tired" William asked making Bert lose focus almost losing the grip on the carriage but he managed to still have a hold onto it in the air and oh boy did he look powerful and strong, it only showed how he was able to carry William when the cockroach thing happened, his arms are not that strong, so firm, so magical.... 'Stop it please'

Bert focused once again putting the carriage down slowly "I don't think you can get tired of something you love" Bert replied breathing heavily after resting the carriage down.

"So" William got closer doing his best to keep his eyes on the place where Bert looked less attractive and he is still searching for that place. 'Maybe his knees' William thought staring at them and oh gods the picture that got in his eyes made him look back at Bert's face "How did you know that my food was poisoned" he got to the thing that brought him here just so he could ignore the raging boner in his pants

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