Chapter 10

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William would be lying if he said he had a wink of sleep last night. All he had on his mind was Bert's touch on his skin, just touching the hickey on his neck reminded him of how Bert's lips felt on his skin, so wonderful so soft. All those thoughts, cravings need, seeing Bert naked and sweaty led to one thing, William touched himself letting this mind wonder all over Bert's body. Memories of his hands, the feeling he used to get in Bert's arms, all the ecstasy. The rush that went through his entire body when he just looked at Bert, the way he lit up his world with just one single touch.

William cleared his throat walking into the bathroom taking a cold shower so that it could help him with the new hard on he had just gotten for thinking about Bert again. William knows it was time to finish his revenge before he lets himself fall for Bert again, he wasn't letting himself getting imprisoned with love once again. He got out of the bathroom after showering, put on his clothes before walking out to get to the breakfast table and as usual, Hattie and Ernest were already at the table, William greeted them taking a seat as the table was so awkward, he felt like returning to his room and escape the intense air.

William could some how feel Ernest's anger, it made him wonder if it was about Bert. With time king Charles joined then Bert being last as usual. It was a surprise he even made it to breakfast, he usually doesn't join for breakfast. He wasn't making eye contact with William and somehow William was glad about that, the fact that Bert had things to think about more than pass his fingers under the table or try to turn him on yet he had already accomplished that just by looking like he does, so hot, he doesn't have to care a lot to look like a present that William wanted to unwrap so bad even if he knew it was forbidden and it had betrayed him once "I heard you fired Oda" Hattie asked making Bert nod "Why would you do that from just one mistake"

"Mother, Bert has the right to fire her if he wanted to" Ernest replied to his mother defending Bert.

"Actually, it was William's idea" Ernest felt like he was dying as he held onto the table in anger, his knuckles turning white. He thought Bert fired Oda because he had changed his mind from killing all of the cooks, only for it to turn out that it was William's fault. Ernest breathed in hard feeling calm when their breakfast arrived, each being served a plate.

William laid a clothe on his lap picking up his fork ready to dig into his food, when Bert took his plate, replacing it with his own plate. The entire table gave Bert a weird look "Why would you do that?" William asked, that was just.... William didn't know how to explain it but why would Bert just switch out their plates. William wondered whereas Bert's eyes were on Ernest not replying to William's questions as he picked up his spoon picking up his first bite taking it to his mouth, his eyes never leaving Ernest's face while ignoring every one else's confused looks

Right when the spoon was about to touch Bert's lips Ernest slapped the spoon out of his hands, the plate following breaking on the ground. Ernest was fuming he picked up his juice pouring it onto Bert, everyone gasped and without saying a word he walked out of the room leaving silence behind. Everyone was staring at Bert with shocked faces as he dripped with juice. No one has ever seen Ernest look that angry, everyone wondered why Bert would switch out his plate like that. Bert picked up a napkin wiping his face before leaning onto William's ear "Watch what you eat next time" Bert whispered before getting up "If you could excuse me"

The table was left shocked but no one was as shocked as William. Now he has just realized what has happened, his food was poisoned. Ernest wanted to kill him, William was having a hard time processing it and it terrified him. The king was poisoned and all it took was two seconds for him to be out cold. William excused himself from the table too leaving Hattie and Charles who didn't know what had just transpired. William went upstairs into Ebron's room right away "Ernest wants to kill me" William said in a panicked voice as soon as he got into the room.

"Why do you say that?"

"My food was poisoned earlier" William's heart was pounding in fear.

"How do you know?" Ebron asked, William knows because Bert told him but how did Bert know. If he knew something like that then he might know that Ernest was trying to kill him because of the way he was eating with his eyes on Ernest. William shook his head, he just knows his food was poisoned but why, why would Ernest try to kill him, maybe out of jealousy, maybe he saw what transpired last night between him and Bert, now he wants to finish him

"Just get me a guy, I need to get Ernest off of my back before he kills me" William walked out of there in his brain, none of this made any sense. If Bert knew that Ernest was trying to poison him then that means he knows who Ernest is, which also doesn't make sense because why would Bert be willing to marry Ernest if he knew who he was. William didn't know what was going on but he knows one thing, Ernest was trying to kill him, there was no doubt on that.


Bert walked into Ernest's bedroom to find him seated on the ground crying. He sighed taking his wet shirt off picking out another one, shrugging it on pushing his wet hair back before sitting next to Ernest resting his hands on his knees "How could you switch out your food like that?" Ernest asked getting his head from his legs staring at Bert with teary eyes "You humiliated me in front of everyone"

"Why don't you first ask why I did it" Bert replied turning to Ernest "That food was filled with poison, someone is clearly trying to kill William"

"What?" Ernest asked in surprise "Who-why- who would try to do that?" Ernest asked wiping his eyes "You knew the food was poisoned and you tried eating it"

"Was it you?" Bert asked staring Ernest straight in the eye "Were you trying to kill William because you think I am in love with him" Ernest opened his mouth in disbelief while getting up with uncontrollable tears falling down his eyes.

"I ask for attention just once, just once Bert and now you are taking me as a murderer" Ernest said staring at Bert straight in the eye "I can't believe you would ever think of me like that, we have known each other since we were two and the moment I complain about the affection you are giving others I become the one in wrong. I suddenly become a murderer, Bert you... How could you think like that, I am jealous of him and I admitted it to you yesterday, why would I- why...." Ernest cried harder not being able to say anything else as he held his chest feeling his heart ache, he was too emotional why would Bert think about him in that way "Why would you blame something like that on me, I would never-"

"Don't cry, I'm sorry-"

"No, don't get close to me" Ernest refused with his hand up "How could you accuse me of something like that, I need you out of my room right now"


"I said out" Ernest ordered turning away from Bert, not in the mood to look at him. Bert apologized one more time before leaving the room, Ernest sighed locking his door while wiping his tears away knowing full well that plan failed and it almost got him in trouble with Bert. He knew he had to think of another way to get rid of William and this time he didn't have to be reckless like today.

Ernest doesn't even get how Bert found out about the poison and why he was willing to take it. This only showed that he suspected him, Ernest needed to take that idea out of Bert's head and quick, he doesn't need Bert thinking about things like that.

William was suddenly becoming a pain but no one has ever stood in Ernest's path and survived. William had to go and Ernest was going to make that quick

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