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A week had passed since Valentino got arrested, and I had been trying my absolute hardest to forget about it. In order to do so, I did what I always did best—completely submerged myself into my work.

I had already completed three articles that were gaining popularity by the second, and had already planned out all the articles that my subordinates would have for the month.

Yet even as I did all this work to distract myself, I was still reminded each and every day when Valentino called me. I had expected him to give up on the second or third day, but no—he still called every single day.

According to the many articles written about his arrest, he had been bailed out that same day for over a million dollars, as well as his father and brothers for larger sums of money. The pictures of him being led into the police station went viral as people all over the internet talked about how hot he was, instead of the crime he was accused of committing. I couldn't blame all the people for thirsting after him though—he really looked hot in those pictures.

Through it all, I never gave myself the chance to really understand how I truly felt about it all, and I figured I did so since it wasn't anything that directly affected me. He wasn't my boyfriend, he didn't owe me anything, so the way I saw it I had no reason to be furious with him.

"So you said he didn't look upset when they put him in cuffs?" Myles inquired as he passed me the iced coffee he had brought, taking a seat beside me on the couch.

"No. He just looked...angry. Like he knew it was gonna happen," I replied, feeling a pit in my stomach as I thought back on those events.

"You're not gonna want to hear what I have to say," Myles told me after a moment of silence, making me turn all my attention to him. "I think you should answer him the next time he calls. Tell him you want to meet in person to talk about it—just so that you can get some closure. You don't need to accept any apology he gives you or anything...just listen to what he has to say and tell him how you feel."

I bit my lips as I contemplated the benefits of doing that. He was right—it would give me needed closure—but I also knew that it may hurt me even more to be in his presence knowing how good things had been going.

"You're right. I'll do it," I finally told him, taking a sip of my coffee as he nodded his head with a smile. I felt a sudden surge of confidence.

Not long after Myles left, my phone rang and I wasn't shocked to see that it was Valentino. I felt queasy as I reached for the phone on the second ring, pressing the green button that seemed to be taunting.

"H-Hello?" I said, wanting to yell at myself for sounding so unsure. He needed to think that I was unaffected.

"Mariah?" He asked as if it wasn't me who had just picked up the phone. He was clearly shocked that I had picked up this time. "I'm glad you answered. I want the chance to explain everything to you."

"What is there to explain? You lied, and I found out," I told him nonchalantly, starting to feel quite angry again at everything that had happened. "You really put me in danger, Valentino."

"I know Mariah....I-I should have told you. Can we meet in person to talk about this? Please."

I stayed quiet for a while as I pretended to contemplate, knowing that I was probably driving him crazy. Just as he was about to say something else, I said, "Fine. Somewhere in public please."

"Is coffee tomorrow morning fine?"

"That works," I muttered, my heart pounding as I thought about having to learn more about this tomorrow. Was I putting myself in danger if I were seen with him?

"Okay, perfect. See you tomorrow, Mariah. Have a good night"



As soon as Mariah hung up, I flopped back onto my bed, running my hands over my face for the millionth time that day.

I hadn't been sleeping, eating, or even doing anything from all that went on in the past week. I was glad to find out that there was absolutely no evidence of any corruption on the ends of my brothers and I, yet my father seemed to be in a lot of trouble. I was forced to be at my parents' house each and every day which only contributed to my detriment even more.

Most of all however, I was plagued by Mariah's ignorance of me. I knew that I was wrong for not telling her and I felt even worse about pulling her into it, especially the fact that they had guns pointed at us. She didn't deserve that at all. Still, I wanted to try my hardest to have her forgive me—although I figured my attempts would be rejected.

Mariah was a headstrong person and I knew she wasn't one to give in easily. It would take me a long time to get back into her good graces—if I was even able to.

"She still didn't answer?" Ashti inquired as soon as she picked up the phone, saying the same starting phrase that she had used for the past week.

"She did," I told her, listening as she let out a gasp. "She agreed to meet with me in person and talk about it."

"You better be completely honest with her, Santori. I will wring your neck if you're not," she snapped through the phone, making my eyes widen for a second. I didn't doubt that she would do what she said.

"I understand. Listen, I'm just glad she actually answered...I couldn't...can't...get her off my mind," I admitted, feeling a pit in my stomach.

"I know you can't. But don't get your hopes up...she has the right to not forgive you or want to keep pursuing anything."

"I know. I know," I told her, running a hand through my hair roughly as I thought about her possibly leaving that meeting and never talking to me again. I felt queasy just thinking about it.

"Good luck, Valentino. And tell her that if things don't work out with you two...Amber and I are still here."

"Why the fuck would you say that?" I snapped, angry that she had even thought of that when I was feeling so...upset.

"You deserve it," she retorted, making me nod my head in agreement. She was right, but I would never let her know that.

I deserved it.

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