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When I woke the next morning, my head was laid on Mariah's chest as her arms were rested over my shoulders, her eyes still closed.

I looked up at her with a soft smile on my face, admiring how peaceful she looked in her sleep. Still, I couldn't help but feel bad that I was keeping such a major part of my life from her. She deserved to know what I did and what my family came from, but I also didn't want her to worry. Or to ruin things between us before they went even farther.

"What are you thinking about?" I heard her soft voice say, one of her hands running through my hair.

"Nothing. How'd you sleep?" I questioned, pushing the thoughts of me being untruthful away. "Did I tire you out last night?"

She laughed at my words, but nodded nonetheless as she said, "I guess so. I don't even remember falling asleep."

We laid there for a while longer, simply enjoying each other's company before her stomach grumbled loudly and we decided to get some breakfast.

"You have absolutely nothing to cook Val. Do you ever go grocery shopping?" She inquired incredulously, as I watched her move around my kitchen.

"No. I thought you saw firsthand that I'm a terrible cook."

"I did, but I thought you could at least flip a pancake or something. Can you order some food?"

After ordering, we made our way over to the living room and I couldn't help but to notice the very visible way she was limping.

"Why are you walking like that, Ri?"

She shot me a glare, clearly understanding what I was talking about as she collapsed onto the couch. The sunlight flooding in from the floor to ceiling highlighted her face perfectly, casting a golden glow over her skin.

"How have things been without Myles living there?" I asked her, genuinely curious to hear her response.

This was new for me, I was never one to ask people about their feelings or to even care, but with Mariah I truly wanted to know what she was thinking about and how she was feeling.

"Lonely, definitely, but I was already getting used to that. He was never there and I really didn't have anyone else who lived here. But I haven't been feeling that way as much recently," she explained, resting her head on the back of the couch as she gazed up at me.

"I'm glad. I was lonely too, honestly. I have my friends, but they're all so busy with their lives," I admitted, adverting my gaze from her in an effort to not see her response. I hadn't realized how uncomfortable I was with my feelings until I saw how comfortable she was with hers.

"Do you wish you still lived in Italy. Did you have a lot of friends there?"

"I don't know. I do miss it, but I like living here as well. I did have a lot of friends there and I'm still in touch...but it's not the same, you know?"

"I understand," she said, giving me a small smile as her eyes seemed to begin to water. Suddenly, she was sobbing and I was confused as to what had even happened. Did I say something wrong?

"Why are you upset, Ri?" I questioned concernedly, rubbing her back as I rested her head on my shoulder.

She didn't respond, only crying even harder which made me feel even worse for her. Something in our conversation had clearly struck a nerve.

"My best friend, Audrey, she...she died," she told me eventually, sobbing once again after she said it. "She died three years ago and I-I just miss her so much. I haven't been the same since it happened."

I was shocked by the revelation, but continued to comfort her nonetheless. With who my family was, I had dealt with the deaths of a lot of my friends and family by the time I was just 16, but still, I had no clue what to say in order to make her feel better. No one had ever said anything to me to make it feel better.

"I shouldn't even be crying to you about this, I shouldn't have ruined the day. I'm sorry. I'm really so-"

"Stop apologizing," I told her, leaning down so that I was at eye level with her. I wiped a tear away from under her eye before adding, "I'm glad you told me. I'm sure Audrey was a great person and I know it hurts that she's gone, but you still have to hold onto all those memories you have with her."

Although I was saying this to comfort her, it was really helping me as well. I had been so angry for years about the lives I had lost, hoping and longing for more time with them, when I really should be focusing on the time I had with them.

The sound of the intercom buzzing pulled is away from the moment, and with a sigh I stood and walked over.

"Mr. Santori, your food is here. May I bring it up?"

"Yes. Thank you Charles," I spoke to the older man through the intercom before stepping away and facing Mariah again, watching as she wiped away the remaining tears.

"Thank you."

I gave her a smile as the elevator door opened behind me, Charles standing there with our bag of food and handing it to me before going back downstairs.

In the kitchen, we made our plates and devoured the food, laughing and joking now which raised both of our spirits.

After we ate, I agreed to take Mariah back home so she had time to rest and get ready before I took her out later that night.

As I left her apartment building, I couldn't erase the smile on my face as I thought about how much I was starting to like her. But it also terrified me.


"Hi mom!" I exclaimed as I put the phone on speaker as I tried to perfect my eyeliner. I was horrible at doing it.

"Mariah, I feel like we haven't talked in forever. You need to call your mother more," she chastised me over the phone, making me roll my eyes although I had a smile on my face.

My mother, Daphne Colton, was an amazing woman in all aspects of her life. Of course, we had arguments and huge disagreements, but overall she had always supported me in everything I wanted to do and always gave me all the love I needed.

"I know mom. I've been busy!"

"Chile, you can never be too busy for your mama!" She retorted, making us both chuckle. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to get brunch with your sisters and I tomorrow morning. We haven't done that in so long."

"Of course ma, I'll be there," I told her as I looked myself over in the mirror, proud of the makeup look that I had done.

A knock sounded at the door, clearly Valentino, and I turned back to the phone.

"Ma, I have to go. See you tomorrow, text me the details, love you!"

Before she could respond, I hung up and dropped the phone into my bag before grabbing my jacket and rushing to the door.

"You are so hot!" I exclaimed at Valentino as he stepped through the threshold, a smile on his face as his cheeks turned red at my compliment.


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