6. Caring for you

Start from the beginning

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PIXIE!" they all say in chorus.

"Damn, I should have known! Riv, you're no good at keeping secrets!" She laughs, happy and amused.

"You guys are amazing and I thank you with all my heart!" She hugs everyone. Brandon ruffles her hair.

"But tonight, it looks like you want to bury Riven in this outfit!"

"Hey what the fuck..." the young man was about to rail but everyone laughs, including Musa.

"Come on, don't pout... " she says leaning in and kissing him. "You are the most beautiful gift I have ever received..." she whispers to him softly. She looks at him in his deep purple eyes, not realizing that he had ventured to her mouth, red as blood. Musa closes her eyes returning the kiss with intense passion.

"Come on lovebirds, or dinner will get cold!" Brandon calls to them.

They go up to the small terrace and all sit at the table, Riven and Nabu had prepared a delicious dinner, trying their best.

"We need to prepare for the rivers of alcohol tonight," Stella says with a full mouth.

"If you're going to spill out from too much alcohol, I'm going to disown you as a friend!" Says Aisha laughing.

"Oooh geez, that only happened once!"

"If you can't handle alcohol, you do like Flora, at two rounds of shots and half a cocktail you stop!" Andros' fairy retorts.

Flora giggles. The nature fairy couldn't hold too much alcohol but she still knew how to have fun. Helia didn't like to drink, she found it a stupid way to have fun but she didn't want to judge her friends for it. Once dinner was over, around 11pm, the little group headed to the disco. Luckily, since it was officially the last day of school, they didn't have to go back to Alfea for that night. Upon entering the club, Musa walks up to the counter.

"Hey, Bill! First round of shots are on me tonight!"

Bill, the club's bartender, laughs in amusement.

"Musa, is it your birthday by any chance?"

"You could say that!"

Riven emboldens Bill but Brandon elbows him.

"Come on, you've known Bill for months now, he can be his uncle, come on. Don't be a jealous prick...come on up."

Riven snorts and walks over to the bar, grabbing Musa by the hips. His girlfriend hands him the shot.

"Here's to you and me, my bad boy."

"Here's to you and me, pixie."

They both laugh and send down, as do the others. The night begins, the girls rock the dance floor, in between rounds of shots. Flora, Helia, Timmy and Nabu sit at the table, watching them. The beautiful nature fairy giggles and shakes her head. She liked ballet better, and besides, she loved seeing Musa and Aisha romp to the music.

"They've got rhythm in their blood...and more importantly they're good at holding alcohol unlike me."

"Well, I prefer a posh girl like you, you know that..." says Helia giving her a sweet kiss. They still enjoy the evening. They had decided to break the rules and share a piña colada. Timmy, on the other hand, snorts boredly.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Nabu asks as he downs a sip of beer.

"I should ask you the same question..."

"Aisha makes me dream, look at her... I'd rather watch her and wait for her when she comes to sit and rest" he says smiling. "What about you? You're not even drinking."

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