43: money, money, money

Start from the beginning

-Yeah, no problem- she smiled- I'll tell Derek.

-Thank you so much!- I hugged her.

-Is Avery okay?- she frowned.

-He's pretending his not sick and not letting me help him- I sighed- it's like being married to a child sometimes.

-Well, at least he's not one of those who needs you to do everything like if you were his mom- I laughed.

-We gotta see the bright side, don't we?- I asked and she smiled.

-You're sunshine for a reason, Cora.

-Dr Shepherd, you're needed in OR 2- a nurse told me and I nodded moving fast.


-Hey!- I said closing the door of the apartment- you okay? Derek got sick too, so Mark's with April and Diego. And I brought you some hot soup.

I approached the bathroom and knocked at the door.

-Jackson?- he didn't answer but I could hear him throwing up so I opened the door- oh, sweetie.

-Get out- he murmured as he could- you're gonna get sick too.

-It's okay, I don't care- I caressed his head and he closed his eyes- I came prepared anyways- I put on a surgical mask and he smiled but seconds after he threw up again- it's okay- I whispered caressing his head again- better out that in.



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-Oh, God- I fell off the bed where Mer, Cristina and I were sleeping as the alarm sounded scaring us all.

-Crap, girls! Oh, my God!- Cristina yelled hysterical- the phone!

-I get it- I grabbed it and passed it to her.

-Is it charged?- Cristina yelled.

-Yes, yes. And the ringer's on- Mer answered- you got to put on some lipstick. Here.

-What it?

-Shut it- Meredith and I said at the same time and I spoke: Catherine said you were on the short list. She wouldn't lie to me.

-And your project is...It's innovative- the blonde added- it's gonna lead to the actual printing of hearts. Millions will be saved.

-What time is it?


-Did they?- Alex popped in.

-Not yet.

-Did they?- Jo came running.


-Okay, listen, if there are 5 nominees, it's alphabetical- I tried to relax them- Yang will come last- a phone ringed but it was Jo's.

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