36: perfect storm

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I rocked Mark in the room as I worried about Mer who was in labor. I wanted to be there, but I had to take care of my baby.

-I know it's scary, baby- I whispered at my son as he cried because of the storm and called Jackson again- I'm gonna kill your daddy when he picks up the damn phone.

I sighed hearing his voicemail again. The lights went off and Mark cried harder.

-It's okay- I rocked again worrying more per second- it's just some darkness, little one. Nothing is going to happen to you as long as I'm here.

I got a text from Derek saying his baby was born. I smiled at the message.

-See, Mark? Your cousin is here already- I caressed his face and he relaxed a little- once you stop crying we're gonna go see him and auntie Mer. I promise.

-Cora?- April entered the room with hurry and a worried look. I frowned- a bus crushed in front of the hospital and Jackson went...

-What?- I felt my feet froze and my heartbeat raised- can you take him?- she nodded quickly and I passed her the baby.

I ran through the halls to the ER and exited the hospital feeling as if my heart was in my throat. The cold rain hit my body and I watched Owen and Callie coming from the bus with a patient in a gurney.

-Where's Jackson?- I yelled as much as I could.

-Right behind us- I looked but there was no one.

-No, he's not- my eyes went around the vehicle trying to look for him- wait, is that him behind the bus?

-Avery, come back here!- Owen screamed worried.

-Jackson!- Callie yelled too and I started to run towards him.

-Jackson!- I felt some arms wrapping around my waist and stopping me from approaching the bus- let me go, Hunt!- I yelled as I cried.

-It's too dangerous.

-Let me go, damn it!- I tried to free myself and then the bus exploded making both of us fall to the ground.

Have you ever felt your body paralyzing from the fear? From the horror? It's like you want to move...

But you can't.

And you can't breath.

There's an invisible hand wrapped around your neck that doesn't let you breath.

During those 3 seconds I spent in the ground, letting my brain process what just happened, that was all I could feel.

The fear of losing Jackson.

The father of my child.

The love of my life.

And then, like in slow motion, he appeared with a little girl on his arms trough the fire. I stood up with the Owen's help feeling the tears mixing up with the rain all over my cheeks.

love on the brain [Jackson Avery]Where stories live. Discover now