40: waiting on a friend

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I pushed Richard's wheelchair over the courthouse's hallway.

-There she is- he smiled when we spotted Callie who was being sued.

-Richard!- she smiled- you shouldn't be here.

-That's what I told him- I smiled at my friend- I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier, I got stuck with one of your surgeries.

-It's a miracle I made it here at all. Sunshine's a terrible driver- I rolled my eyes at the old man.

-I'm glad you're both here- Callie kept smiling.

-How's it going?- I asked worried.

-Not so good- I sighed at her words.


-Crap- I murmured at the suer's wife's words and frowned looking at Richard- there's no way she said that, right?

-Let's hope they have the same faith in her as we do- he whispered back sighing.

I crossed my arms as the suer got to the witness stand and his lawyer started to ask him about boards.

-She said she had done a lot of research- he said- she said she was confident.

-So you trusted her to use her expertise to advise you and to keep you safe. When, in fact, what you got was a botched surgery, an infection, a revision surgery, a heart surgery, and...I mean, look at you now.

-I swear lawyers are like sharks- I murmured to myself.

-I trusted her. I trusted her completely, and you know, I get that people live without legs and it's not the end of the world, but it's the end of my world...-I exhaled as he talked about how much he loved snowboarding- and it's Dr Torres' fault.

-You feel very strongly about that.

-It's not just a feeling- I frowned- I know it. She told me.

-What, she admitted that she was at fault?

-Yes, she did- I opened my mouth in shock- the day she cut off my legs, she came into my room, she'd been crying. She told me she was sorry.

-Objection! It is illegal to use a physician's apology against them as evidence of guilt.

-Your honor, this isn't about the apology- the other lawyer spoke- this is about everything else she said with the apology.

-I'll allow it.

-Travis, I know this is gonna be painful, so take your time. What else did Dr Torres say?

-She said if there was anyone to blame, it was her. She said this never should've happened. She said if there was any way she could change things, she would.

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