12: break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored

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-Are you ever gonna leave the NICU?- Derek asked me - we've got patients to see.

I griped looking away from Sofia and he chuckled.

-It's just that... Callie's not here so I feel like it's my duty as her godmother to make sure she's okey.

-She's got like a dozen doctors all coming to check on her every 10 minutes, she'll be fine.

-But, come on, look at those tiny hands- I smiled.

Derek smiled at Sofia and then he grabbed my hand taking me out while I complained.

-Stop whining, Cora- he told me trying not to laugh- or I'll call mom.

-You wouldn't- he took his phone- fine, fine!

-I want you to promise me you will only go to the NICU like 2 hours a day, 3 at most.

-But that's...- he gave me a look- fine, dad.

-Now, come on, we've got a trial surgery.


Our patient died. Just like that. We hadn't even opened the envelop and he started to flatline.

-His EKG was fine?- Webber asked us.

-He never complained of chest pain- Mer answered- I did the work-up, there was nothing in his history.

-It was no one's fault- I told them- it was a massive MI.

-Yeah- my brother nodded- after we inform Mr Beckert's family, I'll call the FDA and file a formal report.

-Is there a chance they could shut down the trial?- my sister-in-law asked us.

-It doesn't even matter. We're shutting it down, pending the autopsy- Der agreed with me- we need to know why we didn't see it coming.


Cristina, who was in care of Callie, had made a whole plan to get Callie to the NICU so she could see Sofia.

-There's like a million things that could go wrong- I said when we were heading to Callie's room- if you see an attending, you let me handle it, okey?

They nodded and we entered her room. We got her ready and she just looked at us confused.

-Just trust us- I gave her a warm smile and she nodded.

We moved silently and slowly, Jackson and I leading the way. I stopped them when I heard Bailey.

-Back, back, back- I whispered and went to distract her- Miranda!- she looked at me.

-What is it?

-I was just wondering...uh...how's Tuck? Yesterday you told me he was with the flu? - I saw Jackson's head coming out of the hallway to check if they could move and when he saw it was cleared, they all cross the hallway to enter the NICU.

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