19: if you love her

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What if all this time, all this struggle, has been leading you to a beautiful chapter in your life? What if everything does work out, even if it doesn't seem like it right now?

What if who you become is who you needed all along? What if all this hard work leads to amazing things?

What if you replaced negativity with optimism? Would your thoughts and behavior change too?

Because I believed so. My life changed when I moved to Seattle almost 2 years ago. And it did it for better. I found an amazing family. I had an amazing boyfriend and two little nieces. Zola and Sofia.

-Look- I smiled showing Jackson the picture that Derek sent me of Zola holding her giraffe toy. I felt tears in my eyes- she's so happy.

-Please, don't cry again- he stood up from the chair in my kitchen and hugged me.

-It's just that she's so cute- I said crying- and I'm so happy that Mer and Derek have her finally. We're gonna be besties. Sofia, her and me.

-I'm sure you will- he smiled at me drying my tears with his hands- now we've got to go to work, okay?

-Fine- I pecked his lips.


We went over the big surgery we were doing on siamese twins like a million times because of Arizona's requests. She was losing it a little bit, but I understood she wanted everything to go smoothly.

Derek was explaining our part to the rest of the doctors. Again.

-Wait, hold on- Arizona said and I huffed- I mean, what if there's a double hemivertebra or a tethered cord?

-We will cross that bridge when we come to it- I tried to smile under my mask.

-We're done here- Owen said.

-I'm sorry. What if we're standing on that bridge right now?

-Dr Robbins, I said...- the Chief started.

-No, no, no- she interrupted him and I raised my eyebrows- we haven't even separated them yet.

-Dr Robbins, stop- Owen raised his voice- we're done practicing. We have practiced our parts not only here in this OR, but in the shower, on your drive to work. We are ready. We know what to do. Now we just have to do it.

Everyone started to get ready for the surgery and I walked to my spot. My eyes met Jackson's and I shook my head.

-Don't look at me like that- I whispered.

-Why?- he frowned.

-Because I need to focus and I can't if you look at me like that.

-Like what?- he played dumb.

love on the brain [Jackson Avery]Where stories live. Discover now