"Nice of you, Captain."

"Maybe one of these days, we can go out together. What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Could you give me your contact? It would make it easier to locate you."

"Absolutely, Captain."  -Andy gave his contact to him, not least because he didn't see any problem.

"You know, you don't have to call me captain. For you, Matthew is enough."

"Alright…Matthew. We'll meet soon."

"I'm looking forward to it. Now I have to go. Have a nice day, Herrera."  -he came out and kissed her cheek, close enough to her lips.  It can be said that Andy liked it.  He is very attractive...

To say that Robert was feeling jealous of the interaction Andy was having with that guy was an understatement.  His subconscious would have already done things he would later regret.  Keep calm.  That's what he had to try to do.
Despair... was what seized him when Andy was considering this guy's proposal.

Andy turned his attention to the team and noticed that everyone was looking at Robert with uncomfortable eyes.  As for him, she could tell there was smoke coming out of her ears she was so angry, so she kept acting as if nothing had happened.  She was actually thinking about considering that request.  Maybe leading another station would be good for her.  It would take her out of her comfort zone.  Obviously being at home was great, but maybe breathing new air was necessary for her career to take off.  Get out of sight a little...

“You're not really considering this, are you, Andy?” -Maya was the only one who had the nerve to ask that.

“Being captain of 19 has always been all I've wanted since I got here, Maya.  I saw how proud my father was and still is proud of this place.  He molded the best firefighters this town has ever seen.  There will never be another season as amazing as this one.  You and everyone here know this.  He's never been anywhere else, no one has ever had the chance to even learn the least bit of what he taught us.  Don't you think we owe it?  At least give it a chance to have other firefighters as competent as we are?  They get a chance to save more lives?  We can be the difference between someone living or dying at the hands of inexperienced firefighters...” -she never thought of leaving 19, but that possibility had never been presented, of teaching other people.

“There are other ways to teach other stations.  You don't have to leave.” -Jack seemed a little afraid to talk to her right now.

“We are exactly what we are because we had your father here and now we have you.  We are a system, a team.  We're not going to work if a part is missing...” -Miller hardly ever spoke about this kind of thing, when he did, it was really meant to give a reality check.

“I'm not leaving yet.  I need to think about it.  I can't just turn my back when people ask for my help.”

"We are asking for your help."  Vic said, joining the team to try to change her mind.

"That's not fair.  You can't do this to me... I can't choose between my family and anything else.”

"You can't go. We're your home. You need us and we need you. A lot."  Robert said, receiving a shy look from Andy.  Maybe it's shyness for hearing this from her "captain" so far- "We understand you want to find out what it's like to command outside the home, but we're a link. We need each other to evolve and if we're missing one, we lose strength. This is  something to think about a lot. Don't act out of emotion. Please."  - he concluded leaving the room, leaving everyone not knowing what else to do or say.  He hoped Andy would listen to him.

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