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n/n - nickname

You got into the waiting area and were immediately greeted with the cold air., you shivered and kneeled down, opening your suitcase and grabbing out Severus' robe. You sighed in content being immediately comforted by the warm of it.

You arrived at the front of the airport and hailed down a cab., as it came to a stop you started to make your way over. The driver got out a went over to the boot, opening it., as soon as you lifted up your suitcase he put his hand up and shook his head.

"No, no it's okay, Miss, I've got it. You get in the car"., you smiled and nodded., "thankyou, sir"., you took your guitar off your back and leaned it against the boot, getting into the car. You put on the seatbelt and put your purse on your lap, Severus' robe going over her legs.

Maybe I can make the train, Sev would already be at Hogwarts.

"Where are you off too?"., "uh, what's the time"., "10am"., "Kings Cross Station, please"., he nodded and started to drive., "so where are you coming from?"., "America"., "great! What were you doing there, visiting family?"., you frowned and sighed., "yeah I was visiting my brother and his family".

Ambrose passed away. He died 11 months months ago, you missed your brother very dearly but before he did he made sure his family was set. In his will he left you the house your parents left to him and a few thousand dollars that he and Oscar took the liberty of converting into Wizard money, and then leaving the rest of his assets to his husband and son.

"So...anyone special you're going home too?"., he asked curiously, looking up in the mirror and you were quick to shut him down, smiling and nodding., "my boyfriend, Severus. I haven't seen him in a year"., "oh. Well, he's lucky to have such a pretty girl like you".

You shifted yourself and scratched the back of your neck., "uh, thankyou"., you chuckled you started to think about your handsome boyfriend, you were so excited to be in his arms again. He didn't know you were coming today, he thought you were coming in a few days.


It was 10:50am by the time the cab arrived at the station., "30 pounds please"., she reached into her purse, pulling out the money., "here you go"., he took it off her and put it down in the middle compartment, getting out of the car and opening the boot.

He placed down your suitcase and handed her guitar over., "have a good day, my dear"., you shot him a friendly smile and waved., "thankyou, sir". You arrived on the platform and were filled with joy seeing the kids and their parents, extremely tired.

You smiled and nodded, starting to walk over to an entrance., you were so lost in your own excitement that you didn't realise the tall man in front of you., "oh I'm so sorry, sir"., he turned around and smiled reassuringly., "it's okay, my dear. So are you a teacher?".

"Yes, I'm the Charms Professor, but I've been away in America for a year"., "that sounds very interesting, what were you doing there?"., they started to make there way on the train while continuing to talk., "I was visiting my brother and his family".

"Great"., he smiled., "are they well?"., "well his husband and son are but..."., he recognised what she meant and nodded., "ah. I apologise, that is awful"., you nodded and frowned., "yeah, anyway what's your name?".

"Remus Lupin, I'm the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher"., he smiled cheerfully., "oh, nice. I'm Y/n L/n"., "well it's nice to meet you, Y/n"., "nice to meet you too, Remus"., they departed from each other and a group of students started running up to her, excitedly, otherwise known as the Golden Trio.

"Hello, Professor L/n! Im so glad you're back!"., Hermione smiled excitedly., "hello, Hermione. Ron and Harry, how are you?"., they smiled and waved., "I'm good, how are you?"., Harry smiled again., "I'm good. Very glad to be back".

"You should of seen the temporary Professor we had, she was barking mad!"., Ron said, shaking his head, remembering the middle aged lady., you laughed and shook your head., "alright you three, head onto the train and I'll see the three of you soon".

"N/n!"., you turned around to see Talon and an unfamiliar girl with him., he started to run up to you, and hugged you, spinning you around., "I'm so glad to see you!"., I'm so glad to see you too"., he put you down and held his arm out, motioning you to the unfamiliar girl.

"Y/n, this is Sabrina"., you smiled and waved., "hello, I've heard so many good things about you"., she smiled and nodded., "I've heard so many good things about you too"., she pulled you into a hug and you were a bit shocked at first but you hugged her back.

She pulled away from the hug and pecked his lips., "bye, hon"., "I'll see you soon. Bye Y/n"., you smiled and waved., "bye, Sabrina"., "my friends call me Brina, you can call me that if you like"., she hugged you again and pecked Talon's cheek.

"Should we go and get our seats"., you smiled and the both of you started walking on the train. You's sat in a carriage and placed your belongings down. "So Alex, since Sev won't tell me the truth, how was he all year?".

"To be honest I didn't see a time where he wasn't drunk or at least tipsy. The only time he came out of his quarters was for classes and school events. He slept a lot and when Dumbledore would force him out of his quarters he was always grumpy and didn't even bother talking to anyone.

He yelled at everyone constantly, was incredibly sad way more then usual and even took so many house points off of his own house, he just seemed...broken. Bottom line, he cannot be away from you"., tears streamed down your cheeks and you wiped them away.

It pained your heart to hear that Severus was absolutely broken-hearted without you., the letters he sent back and forth, you could tell he was sad but you never thought it was this bad. All you wanted to do was to hug your man and tell him how much you love him.

"The only time he did talk to people is when the topic was you. He really missed you, n/n"., you nodded and smiled., "I missed him so much, according to my brother and his family I talked about him constantly"., "speaking of Ambrose, I am very sorry to hear about him"., he said, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"It's fine, let's just talk about something else...oh, uh, according to Mr Weasley the temporary charms Professor was eccentric h-"., "and he would be right, her name is Elsie Trelawney"., "Professor Trelawney has a daughter?!"., you were absolutely shocked to hear this.

"Yes, she is exactly like her mother, Sybil convinced Dumbledore to give her a position at Hogwarts"., "what position did she get?"., Dumbledore gave her an option between Ghoul Studies and Astronomy, she of course chose Astronomy.


The Hogwarts Express arrived at the train station and you sighed in relief. You almost thought it wasn't going to, considering that a bloody Dementor made its way onto the train. Talon was sure it was something to do with Sirius Black.

The both of you got on a carriage with two students you recognised as Mr Frederick and Miss Hale., "hello, Professor L/n!"., She said cheerfully., how was your trip to America?"., "it was great...h-how did you know?"., "Dumbledore made an announcement at the welcoming dinner last year"., Mr Frederick said casually.

For some reason a steady blush creeped it's way onto your cheeks as you started to feel embarrassed., Talon felt the embarrassment and patted your shoulder, beginning to talk about something else., "so I was thinking you could help me with something?".

"Of course, what is it?"., "to find a ring for Brina"., "you want to propose to her?!"., "yes, I've already asked her father and he agreed almost immediately. He wants me to marry his daughter because he thinks I'm the best for her. He literally said: "it's about time"., ".

They both laughed and he crossed his arms and legs., "so, do you think you and Severus will propose anytime soon"., you blushed and bit your bottom lip., "I would love to be married to him, but I don't think marriage is on his mind".

Talon looked away for a moment, raising his eyebrows and smirked., as the two of you continued to talk the students across from the both of you are trying hard to pretend that they're not listening in on your conversation.

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