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n/n - nickname

You walked into The Great Hall and looked up at the Professor's table and saw every Professor was there except for Severus. You sat down next to Talon and smirked at you., "hello, n/n"., you chuckled a little., "n/n?"., "yeah, do mind if I call you n/n?"., "not at all".

You served yourself up some shepherds pie, picked up your fork and took a bite., he nudged your arm., "so what are your plans for the night?"., you sighed and scratched the back of your neck., "I don't know, all I know is that Severus wants me to meet him in his classroom at 8".

"He asked you to meet him?"., "...yeah"., "what do you think he wants?"., you scratched the back of your neck again., "I'm not sure"., he nudged your arm again and smirked., "maybe he'll kiss you again"., you dramatically rolled your eyes and shook your head.

"I don't think so, he said it wouldn't happen ever again"., "well, maybe it will, you never know"., you shook your head again and sighed., "so what are you plans for tonight?"., "uh, not much to be honest, I'm grading and that usually takes me most of the night because I grade very thoroughly".

You nodded and took another bite of your food and after a few bites you swallowed it., "Alex, what's your favourite book?"., he started to think, tapping his fingers on the table., "horror novel, psycho"., "have you seen the movie?"., he looked at you., "you're a muggle born too?".

"Uh, no I'm a halfblood, I was raised in the muggle world but whenever I got the chance I would come here to the Wizarding World, it was my favourite place to go when I was younger"., "so do you still live in the muggle world?".

"Yeah, I've got an apartment near Kings Cross Station, you ought to come over sometime, it gets annoying sometimes with the trains going past but you get used to it"., "that would be cool, we could have board game nights and stuff"., you smiled and nodded., "sounds great".


You got up and waved at Talon., "it's almost 8, I have to go"., he smirked at you., "have fun"., you rolled your eyes and started to make your way to Severus' classroom. You brought up your hand hesitantly and knocked on his door., "come in".

You opened the door and saw him with his feet resting on the table, reading a book., he wasn't in his usual attire he is wearing a long black sleeve shirt and black tracksuit bottoms., you looked at the ground and fiddled with your fingers., "h-hello, Severus".

He didn't bother looking up, he was to involved in the book., "hello, Y/n". You finally looked up, and he decided to put his book down and take his feet off the table., he let out a sigh and sat up., "come here, Y/n"., "w-wha-"., he cut you off: "come. here."., that was a clear command and you were not about to disobey him.

You walked over to him, he stood up, sauntered around the desk and leaned against it., "take off your shoes and panties"., your eyes widened and you cleared your throat., "h-huh?"., "I think you heard me"., "o-okay"., you bent down, untied your laces, took off your shoes and placed them to the side.

You lifted up your skirt and pulled down your panties and stepped out of them, dropping them to your side., Severus bit his lip and smirked., " your cloak"., you brought your hands up and took off your cloak, dropping it down.

He pushed himself off the desk, pulled you towards him and pressed his lips against yours., you rested your hands on his chest. After a few seconds you pulled away and looked at him confused., "I thought you said-"., he put his index finger on your lips.

"Hush, my little kitten"., he took his hand away and you were surprised by the pet name., he bent down a little and placed his hands on the back of your thighs, lifting you up and straightening his posture.

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