Chapter 18- A flower for you

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I approached him.

"So how is my garden Ethan?"

"Woah! It is so beautiful and breathtaking here!Who planted all these flowers?"

"It was me.When I was a butler I liked to plant and took care of the garden as a hobby.Now I don't have time to do that so I hired others"

It was John?! I don't remember reading about this!

What a surprise!

"Which is your favourite flower Ethan?"

"I love roses.They are my favourite.I loved them and bought some for my parents back home!Which is your favourite?"

So nostalgic...

"Bought flowers for people? It is my first time thinking about this.I had never reached or give any and my favourites are roses as well.I love their colour."

How sad...

I picked a rose and showed it to him.

"Here! You can have this rose!"

He accepted the rose and seemed emotional for a moment.

Aw Johnny...You still are hurt , aren't you?

I looked down.


I feel myself being pulled.

"Ah!?? Johnny what are you-"

"Dance with me."

He is giving me such a fierce look as if he can look inside my soul...Ah... these blue eyes...

We are too close but somehow I don't mind.Our heartbeats have become one.I can't tell which one is mine...

Our bodies are touching and moving together in a rythum.

Woah.I have never danced like this.I have seen this only in movies and manga!

He can lead so well! I feel more excited and safe than nervous.

Before I could let myself be sucked by the awesome dance and atmosphere he stopped.

"Can I ask you a question Ethan?"he said without letting me go.

"Yes Johnny?" I asked full of curiosity.

"I know nothing about you but you know many things about me.Will you tell me more about yourself?"

He wants to get to know me better?

"Sure Johnny.What do you want to know?"

"How was your life before coming here?" John asked with determination in his eyes.

"Hm...I lived with my family! I have a younger sister and my parents! We would eat together every afternoon.We were so close and had fun even if we were fighting often.I love them...more than anything...Ah

I teared up.

"I am sorry Johnny!"

I pushed him away and started running.

Everything is happening so fast...

I ran back to the palace without giving attention to John.

So embarrassing! So embarrassing!!!

He show me cry!

I can feel myself blush and don't stop crying.

I got inside John's room and locked the door.

He is staying in another room anyways.

I jumped on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

I miss you sister....

When will I see you again?

I can't hold back these feelings after all.I will not lose hope though!

I promise you my family...I will come back...

I wonder how Johnny reacted to my sudden action... I didn't turn back to see what he did nor could hear him...I was so caught up in my thoughts...

To be continued...

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