Chapter 20- A surprise from a clingy lord

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I will just express my feelings through this letter...

"Dear John,
I am writing this letter for you.This is your present together with this rose.I have been through many things since I came here and I am going to tell you how this all went for me.

When I firstly met you, you were a simple butler like in the past.You were cute, I have to admit that! You played with me though and I was very hurt by your actions...Now I think we get along better! I also have forgiven you....I am also surprised with that but for some reason I want to be near you instead of avoiding you .

I hope we will get to know each other better! I can see that you have a good side as well Johnny.I am thankful for our dance in the garden.It is unforgettable.I am also sorry for running away crying...

I hope you have the best birthday this year and the year after that! Happy birthday Johnny!
Ethan "

Finally done!

This took me many hours! It is already time to get dressed!

I got dressed with the help of Elise and took the letter and the rose with me when I left for the ball.

This time I will not be stopped by John! Ahaha...

I laughed and entered the big room.

I'm a little nervous but I will make it!

With a dynamic step I started exploring the place full of guests. The room is huge, with lots of portraits and rugs as in the other rooms. The space is full of waiters and nobles. The blue walls do not fit all of us so some are outside in the balcony.

I wonder where Johnny is...

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turned immediately.

"Ethan.You decided to come after all? I thought you wouldn't because of that incident."


He seems happy to see me...Phew he wasn't upset...

"Hello Johnny! Yes I came! What do you think of this outfit?"

I smirked and waited for a compliment.

" It is...ugly.Come with me.Nobody should see you like this."

I feel my heart sink.

Ugly? Really?

I thought it was pretty...

He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside the room.

"Where are we going?"I said with a sad tone.

He didn't answer...

We entered a dark room.

I cannot see a thing?

Where are we going?

I will close my eyes! Scary!

We walked and walked across the room.

I am completely unaware of my surroundings.I can only feel John's hand holding mine tightly.

After a while he stopped.

"The lights servant"

I opened my eyes.

Complete surprise won me over.

"This is your present Ethan.In exchange for the rose."

He picked a rose from the bed and showed it to me.

"This is the one you gave me that day Ethan."

"B-but isn't your birthday today? Why are giving me presents?"

He took my hand in his once again.

"I couldn't see you...I made you sad by asking weird stuff so I used my birthday as an excuse .For some reason I can't bear seeing you cry.I tried reminding myself that you were just a toy...But it was of no use.What have you done to me Ethan?"

To be continued...

ISEKAID IN A OMEGAVERSE NOVEL?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora