Chapter 10- The preparation

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John ran out of the library with tears in his eyes.

Excuse me in which drama are we?

Did I do something wrong??

Oh well I will ask him later I need to learn how to dance and act as a noble first...

Poor me...And I thought I finally escaped from homework! Why?! Ughh!!! Hmph!

I should go to town to search for a teacher huh....

John wouldn't want to come with me after this so I need to go on my own right?

I am not scared after all!!


"Mom come pick me up...I am scared I was wrong!"

Right now I am in the city but I feel like I am in the middle of nowhere! Where is my precious GPS?!

I should wonder around for a bit *sign*


A shop caught my attention.

What is the shop selling?

I looked closer...

"Teacher Maria?"

That is the only it says.

"Maria...Maria...Maria...Oh! She was the helper of the main character! She helped him discover his feelings for the thrashy king! Sadly she was killed by John himself because she was an alpha...

She was a noble but had a very big heart...She was one of my favourite characters! She was a teacher too! I should ask her to help me!

I knocked and one beautiful young lady with long black hair styled in a ponytail and grey eyes opened the door.She was wearing plain clothes like the clothes of an beta...But her beauty was still noticeable...

She smiled at me and asked kindly

"What brings you here sir?"

"Oh sorry for disturbing you...I read that you were a teacher and I need one right now so I decided to ask for your help."

She brightened.

"Aw really?! Thank you so much for choosing me! I will be more than happy to help you learn more things and become a fine noble! I will not ask of you much money too because not many nobles are as kind as you seem to be!"

I bowed and asked her to follow me back to the castle.

It was rather easy phew thank God!


It has been some days since I learned how to dance and act calm and collected without showing any weakness.

Woah nobles were such good actors!

Maria is she polite and she is so cool when she dances as the male partner! Kyaa let me fangirl!

"One...two...three..and repeat! One... two...three! Wow you are a fast learner lord Ethan! I am impressed! The ball is tomorrow and I think that you are ready!"

I am a man now but I will still play the woman part.Nice! It is easier that way! Men lead so I just have to follow their moves!

"Thank you for teaching me miss Maria! I will not let you down. I am all fired up!!"

" Woah...woah you sure are a cutie..." Maria whispered.

"What did you say lady Maria?"

" Ah- nothing!"

She turned away blushing.

What did she say that made her so red? Oh well I need to be ready for tomorrow!

To be continued...

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