Balance: Borealis

Start from the beginning

She looked like she was trying too hard. 

"Hey you!" she shouted flirtatiously. I gulped and quickly followed the king and queen into the castle, before she could get to me. 


"So, Lyna, what's life like on Earth?" the Queen asked as she sipped her tea. Lev looked like he was having trouble with his teacup. 

"Well, I met some theater friends. I'm getting a job as a director for a play." she smiled. 

"How nice!" 

"And what about you, Princess Iris?" 

"I'm just living with Nathaniel. I'm an actress with minor roles." my girlfriend replied proudly. 

"What about Prince Chandler and Talia? I heard you two are married." she wiggled her eyebrows. 

"Oh, no. We're getting divorced." Talia explained. 

The entire room went quiet. 

"Why?" the King asked softly. 

"We just don't get along anymore." she shrugged as if it was no big deal. The silence took over the room until Carissa started to speak. 

"I'm married and taking care of the kingdom." Carissa noted. 

"Oh yes, I heard about the passing of your mother. We give our condolences." the King and the Queen chorused. 

"I'm a singer. I usually partner with VEVO." 

"You have to give us a CD or something!" the King grinned. Lyna leaned over and whispered, 

"we're pretty big about music here in Borealis." 

"Yep. We already have all of Lolirock's." Talia, Auriana, and Iris smiled sheepishly. 

"Well, Dawn and I were living together. But that's out of the picture.." Lev trailed off. 

"What amazing couples! Such a shame that you broke up." the King and Queen shifted uncomfortably in their seats. 

"Mom? Dad? What's wrong?" Lyna asked. 

"Oh, nothing honey." the King reassured her. 

The Queen nudged the King gently. 

"Right, well, what do you need?" the Queen asked, diverting our attention from the uneasiness. 

"We need to meet the Knight from Borealis." Dawn addressed. 

The King's body straightened, as did his wife's. 


"But, mom!" Lyna pleaded. 

"It's for your own safety. As for lodging, why don't you stay here, in the pal-" 

"No, thank you." Lyna stood up and pulled Iris by the hand. 

"Lyna! They offered lodging! And food!" Auriana watched as her stomach growled. 

"I know. But something's going on. The last time they hid something from me, it was my birthday cake." 

"What if they're being serious? Besides, I was planning to sneak around the Palace later." 

"They can't keep protecting me! I'm in college for pete's sake!" Lyna shouted exasperatedly. 

"We'll find out on our own." Carissa comforted her. 

"Heck yeah!" Auriana pumped her fist in the air. 

"But can we get something to eat?" 

"Of course, I know the best restaurant here!" 


After a hearty lunch: 

"I'm full!" Auriana groaned, trying to sit up, but failed. 

"Auriana, come on, you shouldn't have eaten that much!" Talia rolled her eyes. 

"I figured out that the Knight resides in the Palace..." 

"Oh shoot." Lyna gritted her teeth angrily. 

"Lyna, we shouldn't have declined that invitation!"  Chandler graoned. 

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Lyna laughed. 

"Well, he's in the highest tower of the Borealis Palace." 

"Seriously? Like Rapunzel?" I asked. 

"Yeah, sort of." Lyna shrugged. 

"Let's try to go back inside." Lev suggested. 

We walked over to the palace, and Lyna tried to pass through the guards. 

"Sorry, madam, you are not permitted inside the Palace," 

"I am your princess!" Lyna protested. 

"The King and Queen have a higher status that you, Your Majesty." 

"Ugh!" Carissa stomped away frustratedly. 

"Well? What's your plan now?" Talia asked. 

"I-I don't know." Lyna looked disappointed in herself. 

"Detransformation." she cried. 

Her hair turned black, and her outfit was gone. Immediately after, she groaned in pain and fell to the floor. 

"Lyna!" Chandler called out, worried. The palace guards looked at each other, unsure of what to do. 

They shrugged and hoisted Lyna up. 

"Please, is she okay?" Dawn asked frantically. 

"She'll be fine," one guard reassured me, "I think it's just a case of lightheadedness." 

Behind their backs, Lyna suddenly moved her head to wink at us. 

Lolirock: Balance -Third of the Lolirock SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now