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A/N: I'm back with a new story! And this one is going to be LONG. It's crossover between The Wheel of Time seires and The Hobbit movies, but it's not necessary to be familiar with WoT to get the hang of this story. If you have some questions, though, don't be afraid to ask; I'll be only glad to answer them! :)

Also, the disclaimer:
Anything recognizable either from The Hobbit or The Wheel of Time does not belong to me, but to their rightful owners (Tolkien, Jordan, etc…). The only thing that does belong to me is my OC character, excepting her name, as a woman named Sarainya Vostovan appears in WoT books and I borrowed her name for my character.

And to the story!


Sara’s POV

The faint sound of my steps echoed from the walls as I strolled around hallways of the White Tower. I had a destination, but it was still a bit too early for me to go there, so I took my time walking these familiar, homely hallways. The whole time I pondered how I was going to explain to the Amyrlin Seat what was on my mind.

Then a bell rang somewhere, indicating that it was finally time for me to go and see the Amyrlin.

I wasn’t that far away for her study so I was in front of the door before I even noticed it. Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door, still not quite sure what I would say to her.

“Come in”, a female voice called from inside.

She’ll understand. I thought and opened the door.

I walked into a familiar fusion of study and entrance hall that served as Keeper’s study. The Keeper herself raised her head to look who had come in.

“Ah, Sarainya Sedai”, she said, “Amyrlin is waiting for you.”

“Thank you, Gitara Sedai.” I answered and bowed my head. Even though I was much stronger in Power, Gitara Moroso’s status as the Keeper of the Chronicles made her second to most influential woman in the White Tower, possibly in the whole world, and so she enjoyed a great amount of respect inside the Tower.

Gitara stood up and went to another door in the room. She opened it and peeked in.

“Mother, Sarainya Sedai has arrived.”

“Let her in.”

I walked into Amyrlin Seat’s study, which was much larger than Keeper’s one. The Amyrlin Seat Tamra Ospenya got up behind her desk and reached her right hand out for me.

“Mother”, I murmured before kissing her Great Serpent ring.

“Daughter”, she answered. Then she smiled, “enough of formalities?”

“Enough of formalities”, I confirmed smiling. Then we hugged each other.

“My dear friend, it’s been far too long. How are you?” I asked.

Tamra’s shoulders slumped.

“You can’t imagine.” She said tiredly. “Laman – you know, the King of Cairhien – has got an idea that he will make himself a new throne out of Avendoraldera. No need to mention that I have tried to get him to drop out that idea.”

“Out of Avendoraldera?” I asked disbelievingly.

“Yes indeed. Kingship seems to have risen to his head.” Tamra said.

“What else is in this?” I asked, for Tamra’s tone indicated very clearly this wasn’t about Laman’s foolishness only.

“Gitara has Foretold that if Laman cuts Avendoraldera, he’ll enrage the Aiel. They’ll want revenge for disrespect of gift given by their ancestors. There will be war.”

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