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(a/n: i wrote this while recovering from surgery so if it doesn't make sense, again not my problem. just make it make sense in ur head🤣🤣👎loser)


"fuck truth. hyunjin, i dare you to have sex with me."

hyunjin went wide eyed for a brief moment, being taken back by the blunt dare. nonetheless he took a quick glance at jisungs boyfriends to see if they were fond of the request. unfortunately both males faces were both twisted in a way of disgust or annoyance.

"what are you waiting on, jinnie~ i remember how much you liked my body... my small waist and big ass oh and the way i arch my back-" jisung began teasing the long haired male in hopes it would now get his boyfriends to be just as jealous as they made him.

hyunjin who was receiving glares from the others hesitantly stood up and walked over towards the bathroom door with jisung following behind.

"wait!" felix called out, quickly getting shy and chewing on his nails "i-i don't want you to..."

jisung turned around to see a worried felix and a seemingly pissed minho. "hm? and why is that? you get to flirt with changbin all evening but i can't have platonic sex with our friend?"

"i'm- im not flirting..."

"oh really? because minho caught on too, and he decided to be immature and teach you a lesson by getting in kihas pants. don't act like you didn't know that. i watched how uncomfortable you were while they were all over each other. but you didn't say anything about that-"

"i'm sorry! i- i'll stop but can you guys cut it out too?! i don't want to fight..." felix was truly sorry and hadn't realized that he was making his boyfriend self conscious with what he thought was his friendliness...he wasn't aware his attitude toward changbin seemed flirtatious to them.

jisung was so close to leaving the room. he felt overwhelmed by his boyfriends behaviors and just needed a break. "honestly i wouldn't have done anything but minho had to be immature about it and instead of talking it out with you he decided he wanted to fuck the butler."

minho scoffed, he couldn't believe what a hypocrite jisung was for this. "i'm sorry, but last i remembered kissing isn't fucking and this is an open relationship so what are you mad for. i was just showing felix what it felt like."

"EXACTLY! you're being immature about this!" jisung yelled back out of honest rage. the fact not only was felix flirting with his boss, minho had to go and rub it in not only felixs, but his face as well that "two can play that game"...he really expected better out of them.

"okay but you're doing the same think by wanting to have sex with hyunjin" minho mumbled but it sure as hell caught the attention of jisung.

"i wasn't actually going to! it was to show you how immature you were being. you should've let me talk to felix about it instead of doing whatever the hell that was. i'm sorry but i need some air. both of you are beyond pissing me off." jisung strutted out of the room leaving minho and felix now upset and pissed off too.

chan cleared his throat hoping to calm the tension in the room "i think you two should go talk to him..."

minho sighed, chan was right, but before they went and talked to jisung he needed to have a serious talk with felix. "lix, come with me" minho stuck his hand out for the australian to grab. felix willingly accepted the olders gesture and was pulled out into the hallway.

as soon as the door shut and they were alone in the hallway, Felix broke down into tears. "i-im sorry- i didn't know i was doing that. and n-now jisungs mad at you because of me and i- im just so sorr-"

minho pulled the younger boy into a hug, one like they hadn't shared since the night they became boyfriends. "shit felix, yeah im upset but i don't want you to cry. and jisung was right, that was wrong of me to do, i shouldn't have used kiha as a way to make you jealous and instead i should've talked this out with you. i was being immature...but- just please distance yourself just a little bit from changbin. im not going to take control of you life and tell you who and who not to be friends with...just know your boundaries" minho placed a kiss on the side of the crying boys head while not breaking the hug.

"m sorry" felix mumbled into minhos shirt, allowing it to soak up his tears.

"it's alright baby" they let a few moment pass of silence, just to ensure they got out all the words they needed to. this was honestly stressful. and they knew that the hardest part would be talking to jisung about it. "you ready to go talk to bub?" minho questioned, pulling back from the long lasting embrace.

felix nodded softly before the two began to make way down the long flight of stairs to work things out with their boyfriend. it's time they cleared everything up and set a few boundaries for this relationship, after all that action was long overdue.


hyunjin, seungmin, jeongin, chan, changbin and kiha all satin an uncomfortable silence after the argument the three boys had gotten into.

of course jeongin was the one to break the silence. "so...this day is supposed to be focused on me so i can get better...channie, you should give me a kiss to make the pain go away." he looked up with puppy eyes.

chan rolled his eyes and leaned down pressing his lips onto jeongins cheek for a short moment. the younger could have sworn his heart had skip 8 beats. "oh...mygod...ohmygod! oh my-"

"dont flatter yourself, it was only to get you to shut up." chan pretended as if he didn't care, but it made him all warm and fuzzy inside to see jeongin smile like that again. to see him...happy. not just a fake mask with his dumb but ironically funny inappropriate jokes, it was a real smile and chan only hoped he could see it again.

other than the adorable moment they'd all just watched kiha was shifting uncomfortable in his seat which caught the eye of hyunjin...thats when it hit the young male. he busted out into a fit of laughter, and everyone set eyes on him as if he were crazy. he was the only one aware of the hilarious thought replaying in his head of kiha being so fucking gay with minho even when he....was married.

"YO- KIHA WHO ARE YOU GONNA TELL YOUR WIFE" hyunjin said basically crying from laughter, watching his butler turn read and eyes grow wide.


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