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(a/n: prepare for a poorly written chapter i put together in 15 minutes)

jisung had climbed into the front seat after minho scolded him for going to hard a felix, despite knowing it was the freckled boys first time.

they let the blond sleep for the last 30 minutes of the ride. and so of now, they were parked near the beach and jisung was simply itching it to meet his online friends.

"we should wake him up." jisung spoke, being impatient.

"well if you would have been easier on him then maybe he wouldn't be asleep right now." minho scolded, giving jisung a glare laced in dissatisfaction.

"whatever, FE-" he started to yell to wake up his best friend but minho shoved his hand over his mouth.

"jisung i swear if you don't shut the fuck up and listen i'll make you walk back home" he whisper yelled.

"damn since when do you care so much about MY best friend"

"you know he's my friend too right? we've know each other for over 10 years. i'm only treating him how you should be. after i took your virginity, i treated you like a princess. you know that aftercare is important right?"

"i'm not dating felix, it's different then when you took care of me."

"weather you guys are just doing it for fun or not, you should still treat him with care."

"i'll meet you at the beach. just hurry up and wake felix" and just like that, jisung got up out of the car and left in an act of pettiness

that damn brat, i'm only trying to show him human decency. he needs to realize that if he wants to keep up this little 'friends with benefits' shit with felix, he's gonna have to do it correctly, or else he'll just end up fucking up their whole friendship.

minho sighed and unbuckled before turning and reaching around to the back to lightly shake awake the sleeping boy. "lix~~" he sang, trying his best not to startle him.

soon the aussie fluttered his eyes open and looked up to see minho, but no jisung. "w-where is-"

"he got mad at me and stormed off over a stupid argument. no worries though, by the time we get out there he'll probably forget about it."

felix sat up and rubbed his dried eyes and stretched a bit. he was sore, yeah, but nothing he couldn't handle.

as he grabbed his bag and foods, reaching for the door handle to exit but minho locked the car. preventing him from leaving.

he turned to the older confused and minho simply stared at him almost in pity. "here take these" he handed him two pain relievers. "and i apologize for him just leaving you like that, i'll make sure he knows how to care for you better."

felix took the pain relievers and smiled back up at minho. "it's alright, he's not dating me. i don't expect him to be all sweet with me after that."

"i understand that felix, but he can't just use you for pleasure and leave. i won't allow it."

"alright, we'll thank you. but i also don't want you guys to be upset at each other all day because of me." the last thing felix wanted from this situation was his best friends to be in a fight.

felix and minho proceeded to grab their belongings and make their way to the beach where all their friends awaited.


"dammit, i have no idea what they look like" jisung said kicking a shell after storming off to the beach alone.

he was clueless as to what the boys he was searching for looked like, so that was a major problem. to add on top of that, minho was pissed at him and probably helping out felix instead of chasing after him. not that he cared, but all this did trigger him to cry out of frustration.

as he sat there stomping on a shell near the water and tears streaming down his face, a tall boy with long brown hair approached him. "hey, are you okay?"

"fuck off"

"dude your stomping on a seashell with your bare feet, you're bleeding." the boy grabbed jisungs arm and pulled his away from the sharp fragments of the shells.

"i said fuck off!" jisung shoved him off causing the unfamiliar boy to stumble back.

"dude, chill. let me take you back to where my friends and i are chillin and clean your wounds before they get infected."

"i don't need a lanky bitch like you to help me" jisung spat, throwing sand at the boy.

he acts like a fucking toddler.

"fine, fucking bleed out for all i care. damn don't you know respect?" jisung watched as the tall boy walked off into the distance to a group of hot guys with their shirts off.

after the tall one sat down and was dramatically thowing his arms around as he told the story about jisung, the squirrel boy watched another male with impeccable abs and a hot ass body approach him.

"leave me alone, hot guy" jisung turned so his back was facing the older male.

"no, i'm going to help you so your wounds don't build up dirt and sand, it will get infected if you don't let me help and it'll hurt like hell to walk." the older then picked jisung up and threw him over his should, walking back towards their canopy set up.

"put me down you bastard!" jisung said, banging on chans muscular back."

the older did as he was told and set the boy down, but he set him down on a towel that was surrounded by other boys.

he huffed in annoyance "s-stop looking at me!" he snapped making all the boys turn away.

chan got out a first aid kit and cleaned his wounds while trying to at least small talk. "what's your name kid?"

"why would i tell you?"

"fine, then what are you doing here alone."

"i got in a fight with my boyfriend"

"i pity him"

jisung slapped the males shoulder "what is that supposed to mean!?"

"i've known you for 5 minutes and you're already the biggest brat i've ever met."

"fuck off"

just as chan finished disinfecting the gashes on his feet, felix and minho walked up to the canopy and the smaller one ran to hyunjin and jeongin

"JEONGIN, HYUNJIN HI HIIIII!!!!!" he said engulfing them in a hug...

that's when it hit jisung.

all of these boys where his friends and he just basically said a big "fuck you" to all of them.

great job jisung. your just brilliant aren't you?

"fucking hell jisung what did you do?" minho said coming over and slightly pushing chan out of the way to attend his boyfriend.

"wait this is jisung!??" almost all the boys said in unison, looking completely shocked.

"yes, this is jisung." minho answered for all of them. he then turned to the injured boy. "now what the fuck did you do to make all of your friends hate you within the matter of 5 minutes"

"i didn't know it was them okay!? i thought they were just a group of random hot guys"

"we should've stayed home. you're causing problems everywhere you go."

"fine. i'll just sit in the car until you guys are done. it's no use to stay here, they all hate me and you're mad at me." jisung crossed his arms and stood up to leave. but was stopped by the youngest of them all.

"we don't hate you sungie, it's all just a misunderstanding. so just stay, how could you possibly want to sit in the car when you can stare at all these shirtless daddies" the younger said as he glanced over chan.

yeah for once jeongin was right, even if his sex drive controlled his words, they were still true.

sorry such a late chapter, i officially moved in w/my bf today so we were busy unpacking :(

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