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(a/n: extremely rushed lol)

felix was now sat in the back seat of minhos car with jisung beside him.

"okay before you go, i packed you a lunch" minho said handing him a lunch box. "don't forget to eat it. your health is our top priority. also, if you're going to have sex make sure he wears a condom. and if anything goes wrong throughout the day, please call me so i can pick you up."

"minnn" felix whined. "i know, stop worrying so much it's not like you're my dad"

"your right, im not your dad but i am your boyfriend. now go make that money baby" minho leaned back giving the austrailian a short kiss who then kissed jisung goodbye as well.

"bye, i love you!" he said officially getting out of the car receiving two "i love you"s back.

felix took a deep breath as he walked in the entrance of the large building. he was quite nervous and all he wanted to do was make a good first impression.

"you must be lee felix" a slender male in a much nicer suit than his own announced.

"uh um- yes, that's me." the blond shyly spoke.

"come with me, mr. seo has requested you to his room so he can show you around."

felix did as he was told and followed the male into the elevator and to the 4th floor. once they arrived the walk down the long hallways was silent, but the silence was broken when the man pointed to a door. "mr. seo awaits in that room"

felix nodded and watched the man walk away. next he took a hold of the doorknob but before he could open it, changbin had beaten him to it.

"hey felix, wasn't sure if you'd actually show up." he chuckled a bit while slouching down into his luxurious office chair.

"well i need the money so..." felix laughed awkwardly.

"alright" the older says standing up once more. "let me escort you to your office so i can show you how everything works."

changbin rested a hand on felixs shoulder as the walked to the room directly across the hall. the room was pretty plain, no decorations of colors. just a white room with no windows and a black desk and office chair. along with a small couch on the east wall of the room. "alright, feel free to decorate how you want. but for now i'll get you started on what to do. so go ahead and sit in your chair for me and log in to your computer."

felix took a seat in the somewhat comfortable chair and turned on the computer. once logged in and pulled up the documents, changbin leaned over his shoulder and began typing for him.

"so here is you calendar that is in a shared link with me and a few of the other boys i work with. this is where you will put the official dates and hours for us that occupy our meetings. understood?" changbin asks, as he stands up and dusts off his casual clothes. "now i left the rest of the instructions on your desk. you can read over them today and get used to the software on your computer. other than that, there's not much you'll be doing today. tomorrow is when things will start looking a bit busier for you."

changbin then left the room leaving felix alone with a computer, not giving the freckled boy time to ask any questions.

felix the mischievously smiled as he quickly went to the downloads to buy a few games on his computer since minho was making him take a break for a while.

he downloaded identity v since jeongin recommended it the last time they texted.

so there he sat for what seemed like hours playing identity v and occasionally staring at the wall. let's just say this job was much more boring then he imagined.

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