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It was well after they had cleaned up and minho and jisung planned to stay over for the night because felix was still a bit unsettled with his friends finding out so quickly.

they all laid in felixs large comfortable bed watching a movie of jisungs jam.

literally what the fuck

jisung was the only one paying attention, and by paying attention i mean he was full on interacting with every damn word.

"Michael Jordan is irrelevant in this movie; lola bunny runs this fuckin bizz. she's the only female figure i will ever be attracted to"

"sung, keep it down a bit." felix complained, snuggling his head into the squirrel boys chest.

"i'm sorry baby" he apologized, pressing a short peck on his forehead.

"i'm tired, so i'm going to sleep. jisung, make sure to take your meds and turn off the television before you sleep." minho reached over to the nightstand and turned off the lamp before crashing onto his pillow and almost immediately drifting off into sleep.

as much as jisung wanted to continue the movie, he admitted to himself he was tired. so he got up, avoiding much movement that would wake his boyfriends up and went to the bathroom, took his meds and quickly got back under the fluffy comforter, snuggling up with his two favorite people.


a whole week had past and not much had happened. the three had been staying at felixs because that's where his gaming setup was and he really couldn't go a day without playing.

today was another day felix had work at the theater which left minho at the house alone with jisung, which the two promised they wouldn't get to intimate without him.

unfortunately, felix left his phone at home today so he had no way to play games between movies.

back at the house, jisung was showering while minho rested on the couch, waiting for 7 pm to arrive so he could pick up felix. it was only 5:15.

jisung was known for taking long showers so minho decided it was best to take a nap in the meantime. but just as she began to shut his eyes, felixs phone began to buzz.

binnie is calling...

of course minho picked it up, just in case it was important.

"lix?" changbins voice questioned on the other line.

"this is minho actually, lix left his phone here while he went to work by accident."

"oh..." there was a moment of silence on the line. "has he said anything to you about what time i'm picking him up this evening?"

"umm...picking him up for what?"

"i promised him out to dinner back at hyunjins one night and yesterday we were texting about going out today."

"he didn't mention it to me or jisung...but he gets off work at seven so i'll let him know you called when i pick him up."

"alright, thanks."

"no problem, changbin."

minho hung up the call and resumed watching his television. although, he was curious as to why felix was keeping it a secret he was going out with changbin.

he shook away the bad thoughts. it was probably just a hangout and nothing more anyways.

soon enough, jisung was out of the shower and came out to the couch to sit with minho. "hey min, everything alright? you seem tense." the younger said straddling the olders lap and massaging his shoulders.

"eh, it's just- changbin called felix about dinner plans tonight. which is fine, but why wouldn't felix have told us this? was he trying to keep it a secret or something?"minho said wrapping his arms around jisungs waist.

"wait really? why would he do that?"

"i don't know, but i'm sure we can just ask him. he probably just forgot to tell us. plus, it's felix. he would never go behind our backs."

"i know it's wrong, but should we check their previous messages?" jisung questioned, reaching for their boyfriends phone.

"i want to, but that's disturbing his privacy and i don't want him to not trust us in the future."

"your right, we can just ask him when we pick him up"

"speaking of picking him up, it's time. so let's get going." minho stood up from the couch and made his way towards the front door with jisung following close behind with felixs phone in hand.


felix awaited outside of the theater as his shift had just ended.

"bye felix, take care" his boss mentioned as she walked by the ajar entrance. the freckled boy waved his goodbye and as if on queue, his boyfriends arrived.

he got in the car and it was a bit more quiet than usual. "everything alright?" he worried.

"yeah, here's your phone." jisung said passing to the back seat where felix sat.

the youngest could feel the tension in the air and started to worry.

"also, changbin asked you if you were still meeting him tonight. he said yo call you when you got off work." minho told the australian as he kept his eyes fixated on the road.

felix turned on his phone and quickly clicked on changbins contact.


"yup! it's me!"

"hey bub, what time do you want me to pick you up for dinner"

"does 8 work? i just got off work and my boyfriends just picked me up"

"yes, of course. i'll see you soon!"

"alrighty buh-bye!"

the phone call ended leaving minho and jisung a bit more relaxed since felix addressed them as his boyfriends...but they were still curious as to why felix still hasn't said anything.

"lix?" jisung spoke up. "are you going to tell us where your going or when you'll be back?"

"oh yeah" he laughed awkwardly "i forgot to mention, changbin is taking me out for dinner to discuss maybe getting me a job at his work. he's a producer but they are in need of someone to manage their schedules and staff. i'd get paid a lot more and be able to provide more for us"

let's just say minho and jisung felt pretty bad for assuming something worse.

when the three arrived home, felix went to take a quick shower. when he got finished, he quickly got dressed as the time was nearly eight and changbin was probably already on his way.

after he was ready, he made his way towards the living room to wait where his boyfriends were. "okay lix, no drinking, no drugs, and no sex. got it?"

"yes min, i know."

"yeah, save the sex for when you get back" jisung added, receiving a laugh from the two.

"well duh-"


changbin: here

"alright, i'm going. see you guys in about two hours! i lo- i mean byeeeee." he kissed both of their cheeks and headed toward the door. as his small hand twisted the doorknob he felt a sense of confidence circulate through his body.

fuck it.

"i love you both, bye!"

why are people even reading this book? lmao

gamer boy - minsunglix Where stories live. Discover now