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(a/n: lol guess who didn't revise)

"felix, can i kiss you"

the aussie boy didn't know what to do, he was a stupid teen with a hot man gripping his thigh. and minho was right. all three of them have been friends for over a decade, if jisung can mess around with felix, why can't minho?

felix wrapped his arms around minhos neck and immediately crashed his lips into the olders.

the kiss was heated, very heated. tongues were down throats, hands were in clothing, and felix was pressed up against the door.

who would've thought that someone would've seen it all.


all the boys, minus felix and minho, were now sitting under the canopy and talking while listening to some of their favorite songs.

jeongin sat on hyunjins lap, in hopes to get chan jealous. and chan sat in between changbin and jisung. lastly, seungmin sat beside between jisung and hyunjin/jeongin to complete the circle they sat in.

"where the hell are felix and minho?" chan asked, curious as to why they had been gone for so long.

"i wouldn't worry about it, their probably eating or went to find a restroom" jisung assured.

as if on queue minho came back, taking a seat next to jisung and patting his lap for his boyfriend to sit, in which the younger eagerly complied and gave minho a welcoming kiss.

"where's felix?" jisung asked after he notice minho came back alone.

"he's sitting in the car for a bit longer to charge his phone. he said he'll be back in a few minutes"

"eh hem- anyways, as i was saying before all of this. you guys can stay at my place tonight with jeongin and i. i have my own floor so we won't have to worry about other people bothering us, and my parents will be out tonight for their anniversary so we can freely roam the house!" hyunjin went on explaining what not to do at his home and basically the only rules were (1) clean up after yourselves. weather it's food or bodily fluids. (2) no cooking unless it's microwaveable food. (3) no smoking inside, if you must smoke you are to go out to the balcony.

all the boys agreed since the rules were fairly simple to follow and it would be hella fun in that large ass house.


the time had come and all the boys began to pack up to all head to hyunjin house. once everyone was packed and ready to go, they all started to head back to the vehicles they came in.

"hey lix, before you go. can i talk to you?" jeongin said running up to the freckled boy

"yeah sure, hold on a sec" felix turned to minho and jisung to signify them to wait on him in the car. "so- what's up?"

"i don't mean to sound rude or anything, and i don't want to feel like i'm prying in on something... but arent minho and jisung dating?"

"yeah, why do you think that's prying. everyone knows their dating"

"i know that. i was asking because i saw you making out with minho in his car..." jeongin was almost afraid to say that. he'd never met felix before yesterday so he was unaware of how he would react.

"oh, that was nothing. you see-"

"does jisung know?" jeongin didn't want to interrogate his new friends, but he'd been cheated on in the past and it fucking hurt. so if there was even a slim possibility jisung was being cheated on, he was going to help him. not felix.

"no yet, but-"

"i hate to be this kind of person when i just met you, but if you don't tell him by tonight, i will." jeongin then tuned around and walked to the car where mr.yoon awaited with hyunjin and seungmin already in the backseats.

felix stood there shocked. he could here the pain in jeongins voice as if he'd been through something similar in the past. but it was just a misunderstanding. of course minho and felix planned to tell jisung in the car. they weren't monsters.

finally when felix arrived to the car, jisung was in the drivers seat since he was the only one not under the influence of alcohol. and minho was in the back seat so felix wouldn't get lonely.


30 minutes into the drive, minho and felix came upon the agreement to tell jisung what they had done.

"hey baby?" minho called out to get jisungs attention who hummed in response to indicate he was listening. "you know how you help felix with his needs and touch him inappropriately?... what if i did some of that touching with felix myself?"

jisung tightened his grip on the wheel and took a deep breath. "i mean, i feel a little jealous just because you could've asked me for whatever it was...but you watched us have sex earlier so i don't see a problem."

minho and felix smiled, happy to know what the did was okay with jisung.

"but just ask me next time, okay babe? i know i didn't ask you the first time i did something with him. but if we're both going to agree on this open relationship we should start asking each other for permission first." jisung kept his eyes on the road... "so can i ask what you guys did?"

"it wasn't anything too heated, we just kissed"



minho and jisung were leaving school along with felix. once they passed felixs house it was only the two of them since the freckled boy went home.

they reached minhos house in a hurry. as soon as they made it inside, minho pinned jisung against the door and smashed their lips together.

but this time jisung pulled away.

you see, they'd always been a little more than friends but decided it was best to not tell felix unless they became official. they'd share kisses and hold hand under the table, nothing too drastic.

although, eventually jisung was starting to feel used when he caught feelings and was unsure about how minho felt in return.

"is something wrong, baby?" the older asked, confused why jisung pulled away from their kiss.

"minho i can't keep doing this...kissing you, you know?"

"what? why? did i do something wrong?"

"no...i'm going to be really upfront about this. minho i'm in love with you. i have been for 3 years. so i can't just keep doing this if you don't feel the same way. i'm sorry." he wiped away the tears that began to drip down his cheeks.

minho frowned at the poor sight. "well i say let's keep doing it because i just so happen to love you too" minho said wrapping his arms around the boy and pulled him into a warm hug.

"y-you do?"

"yes sweetie. i don't just kiss anyone, my kisses always have meaning."

end flashback


jisung felt uneasy, so much so he had to pull the car over onto the side of the road. "you k-kissed him?"

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