Youth and Whisky Don't Mix - an Ashley Purdy love story

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A/N: my first story, hope you enjoy, if you want an upload just tell me, it is like a kick to get me to upload faster!!! And the band name is my original name I made for this story, please ask to use it!!! Thanks

Name: Mikki (Riley) Decker

Age: 17

Birthday: February 29 born on a leap year

Height: 5' 7"

Eye color: Dark Chocolate Brown

Hair Color: Red naturally, ends are dip dyed black, hairs down to her knees

Piercings: nose, 3 holes on my ears, nose, and my lip (left side) and navel

Bio: I like BVB, Hollywood Undead, PTV, SWS, and many other metal bands. My brother is Jorel Decker from Hollywood Undead. My life revolves around the music industry. I have an abusive father, who killed my mother. I was taken by my brother to live with him and his girlfriend Vanessa. Jorel is way too overprotective, especially when I'm around his band mates, his friends, and my band mates. I am lead vocalist, Rhythm guitarist, and full time bassist for Under Surrender. I tour with my bros band most of the time and bring my best friend, or as I call her my sister because we're so close, Morghin. Jorel doesn't want anything to happen so until me and Morghin are 18, we are to tour on their bus instead of my bands. I am currently looking for a condo for me and Morghin to live in for many reasons. One being the very Vocal love birds -.- . We are on tour at download so I guess life is going great. I also have a huge crush on Ashley Purdy...

Morghin Coma

Age: 17

Birthday: March 2

Eye Color: Light blue with a hazel tint

Hair Color: dark Brunette, Mid-Back, very curly, blonde highlights

Height: 5' 6"

Piercings: nose, ears (2)

Bio: I am the little sister of Christian Coma (C.C.) from Black Veil Brides. I am best friends with Under Surrenders Lead Vocalist/Rhythm guitarist/Bassist Mikki. I'm actually so close to her that we call each other sisters. I tour with Mikki to keep her company, you know with like 11 boys sometimes its tough. I'm looking for a condo with Mikki, even though we tour so much we will only be there 2 or 3 months a year. I love music, and animals. I also have a huge crush on Andy Biersack, but my Brother can never know...

Black Veil Brides

Ashley Purdy- Bass-Bvb

Andy Biersack- Vocals-Bvb

Christian Coma (C.C.)-Drums-Bvb

Jinxx-Rhythm Guitar-Violin-piano-Bvb

Jake Pitts-Lead Guitar-Bvb

Hollywood Undead

Jorel Decker (J-Dog)-guitar-Piano-Vocals-Bass

Jordan Terral (Charlie Scene)-Lead guitar-Vocals

George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears)-Vocals

Daniel Murillo (Danny)-Vocals-Guitar

Mathew St.Claire (Da Kurlzz)- electric Drums-Vocals

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man)-Vocals

Under Surrender

Krys-Lead Guitar

Jake - Piano

Jared- Drums

Kyle- Guitar

Danny- Male Vocalist

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