After party

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Oh my god! Peeta asked me to marry him. Of course I couldn't say 'Peeta.....I I'm sorry'. That's just harsh and I love him with all the my heart.
"Huh!?" Peeta says looking confused
"You never wanted to marry me?" He asks looking hurt
"wait I said that out loud?" I asked
"Yah you did"Jo says like its the most obvious thing.

"Peeta I wanted to marry you but I was just thinking if I said no that'd be way to harsh and I'd be broken,from not marrying you" I say smiling at him and he returns it.

"Oh ok" he says like a happy man. Oh yah we have an after party for graduating. The party is at the beach, the girls are all currently wearing different dresses,unlike me I'm wearing a white and sparkly dress. Aha isn't that convenient, I'm engaged and I'm wearing a white dress,haha no just me ok.

My life seems complete already until I see Alyson walking down the beach with Aden,and they come towards us.
"Ugh" we all say and then laugh except Delly,what's wrong with her does she just not like me?
"Ugh what?" I hear Alyson say

"Huh,oh I just swallowed a fly" I say looking down at my heels
"Oh? Um ok" she says but it sounded like a question.
"Babe you alright?" I hear Peeta say
"Mhm,oh um yah I'm fine" I say smiling and sitting on the chair next to him.
"Guys wanna here some news?" Alyson says
"Sure!" Delly says but I know she was just joking
"Aden proposed to me!" She says jumping up and down and then I spit my drink out.

"Ha-ha-what?" I say still coughing
"Yah he asked me to marry him once we started walking on the beach" she says and I just nod.
"Well way to ruin the moment.again." I mumble underneath my breath but I think everyone could hear me.
"What do you mean Kat? Are you jealous?" Aden asks smirking

"Pfft me be jealous,no actually I'm not jealous I'm happy" I say smirking back.
"But Kat what did you mean? When you mumbled something under your breath"
"Wellllll........" I say dragging the l
"It's ok that you didn't get proposed,wanna see my ring?"
When she says that I open my eyes so wide I bet I look like a bug!
"Sure" I say and grab her hand but I guess she noticed the ring and her eyes widened even more.

"Who gave you that?!" She asks in disbelief
"Well if you must know Peeta proposed to me after he gave his speech at gradguation" I say smirking at both of them and Peeta just chuckles.
"Huh? Repeat that again,but slower" Aden says
"Ok" I say
"Hahahahaha hahahahaha" Alyson and Aden start laughing

"What?" I say confused
"You got proposed before me?" Alyson says
"Yah, is that a problem that someone loved me before you?" I say
"No just it's shocking!" Aden says
"And why would that be so shocking?" Delly says turning a bright pink
"Welllll.....because Katniss would never love bread boy here" Aden says ,and once again I spit my drink out and start to walk towards Aden.

"Ok Aden I did this to Finnick,Gale,marvel and especially Cato so listen closely" I say getting closer every time I say a word
"**" I say and before Alyson can say anything I turn around and start talking to her.
"And you!" I say pointing to Alyson
"Stop trying to be better than everyone,ok nobody likes anyone like that. Second of all I'm happy for you,but it's not like I'd want Aden anyways,after what he did to me,I almost died. So I hope you live a happy life with him" I say walking to prim,aunt Cressida and baby Eliza.

"Hey Kat you told her!" Prim says
"Huh?" I say utterly confused
"We heard everything" she says and I just look scared that I start walking to the water.


Once Kat finishes talking is we her walk down to prim,Cressida and baby Eliza. Once i look back at Aden and Alyson they're just sitting here like nothing happened.
"So did Kat really do that to you guys?" I hear Aden say
"Yup but instead she said get some balls or I'm not going to have any" I hear Cato say still scared.
"Really?!" Aden and Alyson say in unison
"Yup,don't mess with her" i say looking at aden and he looks scared

Once I try to find Katniss I see her by the water so I walk down,trying to make sure she doesn't notice. But then she starts singing.

"You're the light, you're the night
You're the color of my blood
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much, so much

You're the fear, I don't care
Cause I've never been so high
Follow me to the dark
Let me take you past our satellites
You can see the world you brought to life, to life

So love me like you do, love me like you do
Love me like you do, love me like you do
Touch me like you do, touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?"

And once she's done I put my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

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