Chapter 1

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"She's over there!" One of the guards exclaimed pointing his index finger towards the dark hallway.
Twenty elite bodyguards ran towards her direction. Few holding a sharp knife and few holding a gun in their hands.
"Be careful!" The leader yelled.
All the color in Elisha's face drained looking at the guards chasing after her. The tiny bit of warmth in her heart extinguished leaving her in dark and cold abyss. Her dark doe eyes turned blood thirsty.
Few guards swallowed hard looking at her inhumane blood thirsty look which they are way too familiar with. The guards exchanged looks with each other as cold sweat erupted on their forehead. It was evident how fearful they were of her, their fear for her is engraved deep in their heart.  They have witnessed her demonic way of killing mercilessly.
They were afraid of taking another step towards her. But they must finish this task even at the risk of losing their lives. She's way too dangerous for the outside world.
The guards holding knifes charged towards Elisha. The guards holding guns stood at the same spot clenching their fist. Even if they have guns and could kill her easily, they aren't supposed to use them.
What's the use of even having it?
They don't have the order to kill, in-fact to be more precise they aren't supposed to hurt her much.
Elisha remained calm and stood in the same place without moving an inch.
The guards were too fast, their dagger aiming at Elisha, mainly at her vital part which could slow down her temporarily giving them an upper hand.
The dagger which was aimed at her left shoulder fell on the ground into pieces. All the guards were terrified looking at how she snapped the top-quality dagger into pieces.
Within few milliseconds, the guard, whose dagger was snapped into pieces, fell on the hard floor. Blood oozed out from the slit on his neck. He was no match for her.
"fuck!" The other guard yelled in frustration and charged towards Elisha.
Knowing how vicious she is, the ten elite bodyguards attacked her together hoping to at least slow her down.
Elisha's lips curved up lightly.
Meanwhile, more elite guards rushed towards the hallway. Each one of them even stronger than the earlier twenty elite guards.
Their steps halted halfway as they witnessed the scene in front of them with twisted expression.
The scene in front of them is nothing but a brutal graveyard, all the twenty elite guards were laying on the floor lifeless in pool of blood. She has slaughtered them like pigs.
'Exactly how strong is she?'
The elite guards couldn't help but frown looking at Elisha. Sure enough Elisha was living up to her name 'Goddess of Death.'
Elisha stood in the center of dead bodies covered in blood, with a sword in her hand. Her right hand was bleeding heavily but she didn't even feel one ounce of pain. All she felt was numbness and cold.
She stood there with determined eyes. No matter what, today she's going to leave this hell of a place even if she must kill every single one of the them.
This is my only last chance to not to turn into a complete walking dead. I can't let him use me anymore. I will not yield for his evil intentions.
The second batch of elite guards charged towards Elisha in rage looking at their brother's dead bodies. They all long wanted to erase this women’s existence from this world, and this was their chance to do it.
Any strong and sane person would show at least little fear seeing so many strong men charging towards them in rage, but Elisha stood emotionlessly. Blood dripped from the tip of her sword craving for more blood.

Once again, her sword began to slice through the bodies mercilessly.
In the meantime, two figures approached the hallway. One is tall with good physic dressed up in a white suit underneath a pink button up shirt.
The other was a lady, her jade like face was glowing in the dark with zero impurities. The proud and noble look on her face made others envy. Her heels made click clack sound on the marble floor as she walked towards Elisha and the elite guards.
"Eli." The guy spoke pausing Elisha's action for a moment. His voice cold and calm.
As Elisha's eyes fell on the person, the only person whom she could trust in this entire place, Adin. Tiny bit of warmth settled in her heart. Since she got a backup now, her chance of leaving this hell became higher.
While Elisha was looking at Adin, one of the guards pierced his sword on her left arm injuring her heavily. But Elisha stood still as she didn't feel any pain but only a slight tickle.
The beautiful lady had a smug look as she looked at Elisha.
'Finally, I can get rid of this bitch.'
Elisha glanced at the guard who injured her arm and turned towards Adin.
"Adin.." She was looking at him with an expectant eye. After a very long time finally she was having a hope to live again.
Adin walked towards Elisha with a smile on his face.
"You must be tired, let me give you some strength." Adin spoke softly standing in front of Elisha.
Without waiting for an answer, he took out a syringe containing green liquid from his pocket. Elisha's eyes widened looking at the green liquid syringe, but before she could respond Adin injected it harshly on her neck.
The reaction of liquid is immediate. Elisha felt her body become extremely cold, as if her blood cells were frozen. She gradually felt tired as if her life was sucked out. Her strength weakened.
"This is the only way you can leave this place. It's all going to end now." Adin held Elisha closely. Elisha felt something sharp pierce her stomach, with the strength of the dagger stabbed into her stomach, Elisha coughed blood.
A hope she had earlier shattered into pieces. She was a fool to trust someone again. She was an idiot for trusting this two-faced snake. She gave up escaping from this hell after trying for so many times. But Adin gave her hope, made her feel like a human again, a hope to lead new life.
"W….why?" Elisha's voice gave cold chills, yet a lone tear escaped from the corner of her eyes.
Adin only smirked at her and moved back.
The elite guards understood the situation and sneered.
"Bitch, today is your doomsday." One of them snickered. He walked towards Elisha like a wolf towards its prey. His lustful eyes roamed around Elisha shamelessly. He extended his arm to her hair.
Before his hand could even touch a single strand of her hair, it fell on the floor with a thump sound separated from his body.
"AHH!!!" The guard screamed in agony as blood dripped from his half-chopped hand. The crowd were shocked including Adin and the beautiful lady.
"How dare you!?!" One of them yelled angrily.
Although, her speed and agility were tampered by Adin, she simply wasn't given the title 'Goddess of Death’. She could still kill many of them, but what's the use of it. She will still be dragged back to that psycho-beast only to suffer even more.
The enraged guards stormed towards Elisha like mad dogs. One of the them aimed his dagger straight towards her heart. Elisha only put up an act of resistance to deceive everyone but when the guard aimed at her heart, she didn't resist and let him stab her.
If this is how she can get her freedom, then she will gladly accept it. It's better than being a walking dead.


Thank you for reading this book.

Hope you all enjoyed the start. Lot of action, drama and romance is yet to come.





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