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We were advised to give our all
To go into a battle we were not ready for
No warning signs alerted our ears


Heart wandering, soul hungry, heart astray
We fought with passion, our shield being the love we abundantly have
Only to have a replenished soul
Damaged, distorted and deranged in all forms

We were advised to move on
As if we conquered this war victoriously
As if we were hung by defeat around our necks


We are tired, our wounds are as fresh as the truth
We are tired from running laps around this cycle
Love and games on repeat, feelings on shuffle
This battle... We were never ready for, we can't deny

However, we took our own advise
We made the battlefield our home
We turned our pain into therepeutic satisfaction
At the expense of the love we try to receive

Inside Her Roses | A Poetry CollectionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat