Would You?

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Would you like to venture into the wet dangers inside me?
To be within the threatening restrictions of my walls
I see the Savage intentions in your eyes poking the fire within mine
Igniting Hell's heat between my legs

Would you like to ruin my carnal nature?
That remains disguised by the fruitful passion unreleased
I feel the hunger at the tip of your tongue
Waiting to sink more than it's own self

Why don't we postpone the mind games?
Because our lust has broken the chains of doubts
It has escaped the prison of reason
Now it roams free
To commit crimes only the sheets will know about

So, would you let me?
Let my body crawl the cocoa pastures of your skin
Let my lips glide dangerously close to your weapon aimed at my core
Your weapon that will shoot euphoria down my throat

Would you?

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