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They were trapped in a box
A box that I thought I sealed heavily
With a monstrosity of reassurance bolted in
"I've moved on", boldly labeled at the rear

Then you called my name
Suddenly awakening the criminals inside the box
They grew more rogue and more anxious
Clawing to be within your reach

I had to restrain the breaking box
Immediately applying a layer of certainty
Only for it to weaken and weaken
Because you...

You came closer
The hairs on my skin erected from danger
You said my name again
Then you smiled and suddenly orb against orb
We held gazes

The unforgivable proceeded
The acceleration of my heart beat blew the box off its hinges
All the criminals sprung free and scattered all over you
To a place where they found peace in
To a place where they felt... Civil
With you

Inside Her Roses | A Poetry CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now