One Day

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It took one day
One day for the stars to fall when your glassy eyes caught mine
For gravity to stop my stormy seas from going angry

It took one day

A time lapse that froze, that became non-existent
Perished into the distance
Distance that became small when you sat next to me

It took one moment

One moment for my pulse to hush
For my heart to rumble in hunger the moment you acknowledged my presence
Then... I knew

I knew that, at that point
I will happily get sliced by your glassy eyes
If it meant bleeding a part of me, because of you

Although distance will put us in the ring
Being a mocking referee.... A spiteful tester
We shall fight for each other and not against

When you touch me

Oh when touch me
My skin happily starts to waltz with yours
Dancing to the rythym of our euphoria over and over again
A dance I'll happily relive, when we meet again

And we shall meet again
Whether it's after many full moons and dozens of sunsets
We shall meet again
Because it's you that turned my little hills into sturdy mountains in a matter of days
It's always been you

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