tony stark [1]

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Tony when you tell him to go to bed

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Tony when you tell him to go to bed.

Your husband, the great Iron Man, was working in the middle of the night yet again. He had trouble sleeping lately, and he fixed that by not sleeping at all.

You woke up in the bed, alone, so you figured that Tony was in his lab again. You stood up and went downstairs. 

And indeed, there he was.

"Tony," you called out to him soflty.

"What are you doing up so late?" Tony asked you with a frown.

"I could ask you the same thing. Sleep is important, Tony."

He looked down, "I can't sleep."

You walked over to him and slowly tugged on his arm.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor if it becomes a big problem. But working the whole night, every night, is not the solution. At least try to get some sleep now," you asked him softly.

He sighed, but went with you anyway, he knew you were right. When the both of you laid in bed, he draped his arm over you and whispered, "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Tony."

Tony Stank one is finally here!! Also monday is my math exam so idk when i'll publish the next one :))

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