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It's been a few days since I saw my bella happy. I've seen her in my classes, but she looked different. She looked sad and broken. I wanted to walk over to her and hug her so bad, but I can't.

I'm going over to Val's in 10, and he said she'd be there. He told me she talked to him. She wanted us to leave her alone for a few days. But how could we? She's everything to us.

It's been hard for all of us, even though it's just a few days. She's everything to us. Everything for us. She's everything we've ever wanted and we got her. But I think we fucked it up.

I don't know what we did though. All we want is to help her, take care of her, and for her to be happy. Her happiness and health is our main priority. It's the only thing that matters to us.

We wanted to make her feel comfortable. We all agreed not to ask her any questions about what happens the other day. If she wants to tell us, she will. We're going to try not to push her and get her mad again.

I'm dressed in grey sweatpants and a Rolling Stones T-shirt. I barely ever wear clothes like this. I don't ever get the time to just, relax. But since Mallory came around everything has been different.

She had an impact on all of us, but especially on me. The way she is the way she does everything just does something to me. I've had submissive before, but never one like her.

This is the first time the three of us have one submissive together. We tried it before but it never workout out. They were just not what we were looking for. Not what we wanted.

It's 4 by the time I arrive at Val's house. His house is very different from mine. His gives more of an apartment vibe, while mine kind of looks like a small mansion. And Elijah's is like a combination of them. Kind of funny.

We decided to meet up an hour earlier to talk about what happened. How we should approach her. We also had someone do a little background information. Val has the papers of that, so he's showing us.

I walk into his house and I immediately walk to his office, knowing he's there. I open the door and Elijah and Val are already sitting there, waiting for me. The maid is also in there to pour us some drinks.

I sit in a leather seat while Val is seated behind his desk and Elijah is next to me in another, but the same leather seat. We look at each other for a while, not knowing where to begin. Elijah starts talking.

"So what do you got?" He asks, definitely wanting to know her background, just like me.

"I wonder why she never told this to us. I mean, I get it I guess, but why wouldn't she?" Val says, without telling us what the fuck it's about.

"What the fuck are you talking about. Just fucking tell us."

"Her mother is dead." He drops the bomb. I immediately feel sorry for her.

I still have both my parents, even though I don't talk to them anymore. I would still be devastated if they would die. They are my parents after all.

"They were driving, picking Mallory up from her choir performance when their car crashed. There isn't any record of how the car crashed, only that it crashes." He sighs, continuing the story.

"Anyway, her mother died in the accident, she and her father survived."

"Do you have anything on her father?" I ask, sitting up in my seat.

"Well, that's the thing. I could find some, but not a lot. Says here he used to be in the army, but then he just dropped out after his contract ended. He didn't work after that. His wife worked for them. That was all the income they'd get."

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