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PS:- I advice you not to read it, if you are gonna bash on me for this ending. You can stop at the chapter before if you wanna keep it as real, if not then continue. DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YAH.(Take a hint from the picture).


The director shouted, as the last scene of the movie was shot and done. That cued Y/N to stand up from the tree house-like set and walk over to the side to refresh her throat. Jimin followed her lead and quenched his thirst as well.

"Great work guys!! This is gonna be a big hit in the theatres. See what I did there?" The director congratulated everyone on the great work along with the small pun, which bought tired smiles on the people at the set. 

Yes, it was all a drama, the first that all BTS members acted together in. It was a BigHit sponsored drama, a project launched to showcase the members acting talents and finally put Jin's acting degree to good use. Yoongi was the happiest person ever that his hyung finally had a chance to use his knowledge properly and was given the recognition.

After having some water both the actors went to get changed from their filming clothes to the regular ones. When they reached the green room, rest of the members greeted them.

"Great work guys, you nailed it!!" Jhope congratulated them.

"Thanks, hyung." Jimin showed his gratitude, while Y/N nodded her head once in acknowledgment. She was too tired to even speak. She fell down on her chair in exhaustion.

"You alright babe?" Jimin asked concerned.

"Yeah, just tired from the shoot." She replied lazily.

Wondering why he called her babe off camera? Everything was acting except their love, that was real. They are really in love with each other. It happened before the filming when they met at an award show and Jimin couldn't swallow his feelings. Since then, they have been dating secretly. This movie was also an announcement of their relationship.

Suddenly, Y/N's manager walked in.

"Hey Y/N, get changed fast we have an interview to get to. You too Jimin. And here's the script. Please don't give spoilers of the movie other than what is said in this particular one." The manager instructed them, handing out three copies of what they can say about the movie.

The boys took the small summary script on what they can and cannot say while Y/N and Jimin went to get styled for another shooting. Being famous wasn't always as fun and great as everyone makes it seems. It really is very exhausting. You will be lucky if you get at least 3-5 hours of sleep everyday or even in a week. From one set to another, from one interview to another, from one dress to another even though sometimes you just wanna pull a hoodie over, get rid of all the make up and just laze around the day, you can't always do that. But still even with all this exhaustion the result of their work and the happiness and encouragement from their fans are always worth it.

After getting styled into another dress, both the actors returned back to the greenroom. Y/N couldn't help herself and took a few snacks that were placed on the side. She was supposed to be on a diet, not her decision. She never understood why she had to be on a diet, she wasn't what the society would call an "ideal shape" neither was she too skinny nor too large, so why give up so much delights were beyond her. She took a bite of the delicacy and instantly found herself getting her energy back, her lips curling into a smile on its own.

"Y/n, are you don- How many times do I have to tell you not to eat them? They are gonna cause you acne and what not?!" Her manager came in to ask her something but changed his statement the moment he saw her eating the Donut, completely ruining her heaven. Y/N looked at her manager before shoving the entire thing in her mouth.

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