Chapter Seventeen

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15 Days Left Until The Ball

This morning, Ruby had received a letter from Prince Hoseok. Ruby was happy to hear from the prince since the Horse Racing Derby incident two days ago. The letter mentions meeting up at Viennese Waltz Lake, so, Ruby gets dressed as usual and ate her morning breakfast before heading out.

The warm weather felt very nice, the sun beaming all over the kingdom. And birds delightfully chirp at one another. She walks by Tango Garden, as usual, a few people are there, walking around and buying bouquets of flowers. Ruby wondered if Prince Namjoon might be there, buying more flowers. Finally arriving at Viennese Waltz Lake, she already spots Prince Hoseok sitting on top of a large rock bar on the lake.

She spots a crutch next to him, indicating his injury is still healing. Ruby carefully walks down the steep staircase, calling out his name. "Hey, Princess Ruby!" Prince Hoseok waves at her. "Prince Hoseok, how's your injury? You know you shouldn't be here, you should be in bd, recovering!" She scolds him like a small child he is.

"Geez, I'm fine, besides, I missed you," he truthfully said, making Ruby blush. "O-Oh, but still!" She stutters, hiding her shyness. She can see his cast on his right leg, remembering Prince Jimin mentioning a large gash right there. "I really wanted to win for you, I wanted to prove to you that I like you so much," Prince Hoseok admits.

"And you did, I was so worried when I saw you fall like that. I thought I won't ever be able to dance with you again," Ruby said, sniffing softly. "Princess, don't be sad," Prince Hoseok whispers as he wipes her tears away.

"I promise once I recover, I will ask you to dance with me under the stars," Prince Hoseok promises. She thanked the prince and remained quiet for a few minutes, staring straight at the lake. "I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me to Rumba Beach?" He asked, sounding like he's asking Ruby on a date.

"Sure," she says as the two stand up from the large rock they were sitting on. Ruby helps Prince Hoseok walk up the stairs, making sure the prince's tightened his grip on his crutches.

Making their way top, Ruby tucked his arm under hers, helping him balance his walk. "Thanks, but you didn't have to. I am a prince and a man who needs to gather his strength on his own," he states. "I don't mind helping, but if you do feel uncomfortable helping you, just tell me," Ruby assures him.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine," he says, hoping to calm Ruby. They soon arrive at Rumba Beach, they hear the seagulls squawk at one another, they hear the waves crash onto the shore. And they see a couple of people enjoying the water during this hot summer weather. She follows Prince Hoseok behind.

She makes sure he doesn't trip over the sandy beach with his crutches, continuing to follow the prince until they reached where the water meets the shore. "What are you gonna do?" She asked. "Well, I wanted to do this," he says as he pulls out a small glass bottle and in it, was a rolled-up letter.

"Did you write that?" "Yes, I wanted to throw this bottle with the letter I wrote and one day whoever finds it will know my desires and dreams of marrying the prettiest princess, it says who, but I won't tell you," Prince Hoseok teases. "Well, I do hope that pretty princess you wish to meet will soon find this bottle," Ruby said.

They both hung out for a bit until Prince Hoseok had to return back to the royal hotel to get some rest and get his leg checked up by the doctor. Meanwhile, Ruby stays behind at the beach, alone and feeling at ease, that's until Prince Jimin comes in.

"My princess, how are you?!" He shouts. "I'm good, thank you, how about you?" She asks. "Wonderful, now that I'm seeing your face. You know, there's something I have to confess," he says as he sat down next to her. "With all the girls I've met, I feel like you're the only girl who captivated my heart," he says as he takes her hand and placed it on his right chest.

Ruby looked at him, seeing if he was serious or just being flirty. She talks her hand back and stands up from the sand. "Well, that's nice to hear from you, but I don't believe you," she said, dusting the sand off her dress.

"I do! I'll prove it to you!" He shouts, being his dramatic self as he kneels down, fake crying and wailing loudly. Ruby leaves, heading to Practice Hall. As Ruby walks her way to Practice Hall, she spots Prince Seokjin entering Practice Hall. She wonders if he's going to practice on his own or did he find a new dance partner.

Nevertheless, she curiously wants to find out and speed-walks her way. "Your highness, slow down, you're going to trip!" Chip warns. As they arrive at Practice Hall, Ruby sees Prince Seokjin preparing himself before he can dance practice. "Princess Ruby, hello!" He says. "Prince Seokjin, are you here to practice?" She asked.

Chip thinks this can be an opportunity for Ruby to practice with Prince Seokjin. "Well, since Princess Juliana isn't my partner no more, I have no other choice but to practice on my own," he said with a frown. Ruby couldn't believe, the most popular prince is going to practice on his own, out of all the princesses who are 'dying' to practice with him, it seems like he wants to practice on his own.

"Actually, Princess Ruby, here, is also practicing as well. Why don't you two practice tighten?" Chip said, shoving Ruby close to Prince Seokjin. "What?!" She loudly whispers to Chip. "I-I don't think he w-wants to-" "I don't mind at all, princess," Prince Seokjin said.

"Oh, a-are you s-sure?" She asked which he nods. Chip flies towards the piano and began playing. Prince Seokjin grabs her hands, taking her to the center of the dance floor.

As usual, his hand wraps around her waist as she places her hand on top of his shoulder. They began to sway slowly the music, Ruby remembers the dance pattern, surprising the prince.

This was her first time dancing with Prince Seokjin, so this is a new experience for her. And she gotta' admit, he was indeed a very good dancer, the way his hands softly grasped onto her body.

The way he would tenderly carry her and twirl her around, letting her dress swift from the small wind they create as they dance.

"You're good," he breathes. "Let's make this challenging," she smirks making the prince laugh. The two were having a good time, dancing in circles and matching their steps as they dance.

Before their dance would end, they don't notice that Prince Yoongi and Princess Jasmin had entered Practice Hall, amazing them with their dance. They silently watch, not wanting to interrupt and for some odd reason, Prince Yoongi is somewhat feeling a little jealous.

Just seeing them smile at each other as they're having fun, dancing, he didn't like the way she smiled so much. But he knows he shouldn't feel that way, it's the same as him partnering up with Princess Jasmin.

He shouldn't really care who Ruby partners up and practice with because either way, she would eventually pick one of the princes to dance at the ball and marry the prince she chose.

They continue watching until their dance soon ends. Princess Jasmin interrupts by applauding the pair, startling them with their sudden presence. "P-Princess Jasmin and Prince Yoongi?!" Ruby exclaims when she sees them by the doorway.

"Hey you both," Prince Seokjin greets with a smile. "You two look very beautiful together," Princess Jasmin compliments. "Thank you," Prince Seokjin thanked. "Thank you to you, Princess Ruby. I thought I would practice by myself but you have shown me that dancing is more fun if it's with you," Prince Seokjin said, taking her hand and placed a small kiss as gratitude.

"I should be going on, goodbye," Prince Seokjin bows to Ruby and exits Practice Hall. "I also should get going, I'm going to get rest. Good luck," she tells the pair before also leaving Practice Hall. But she can sense Prince Yoongi's presence coming close to her from behind.

"Wait, Princess Ruby, I was wondering if I can see you the day after tomorrow at Vienesse Waltz Lake?' He asked. "Yes," Ruby answers. He smiles and gets back inside to start his practice. Ruby wondered what was on his mind, did he watch her practice with Prince Seokjin? She realized that Prince Yoongi only has five days left till he leaves, so she wants to make sure Prince Yoongi spends a bit of freedom for the rest of the four days in the kingdom.

To Be Continued...


1,516 Words

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