Chapter Five

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27 Days Left Until The Ball

Ruby went out early before going to Practice Hall. She thought she could encounter another prince and the only place she could think of was Jive Park. Chip follows her behind, not bothering to ask her. She actually felt proud that Ruby was able to wake up and have a good breakfast before she left the castle.

Shortly after they arrived at Jive Park, Prince Seokjin walks up to Ruby and Chip. "Morning, Princess Ruby!" He cheerfully greets. "Oh, Prince Seokjin, good morning to you too!" Ruby blushes, greeting the prince as well. "You're sure the early bird, what's on your mind?" Prince Seokjin asks.

"Actually, I've been wondering if you may have any clue about The Lost Prince?" Ruby asks. "The Lost Prince? Oh yeah, all I could remember is that he and I were great childhood friends." Ruby was happy to hear that Prince Seokjin knows a lot about The Lost Prince.

"Shall we sit?" Ruby asks, gesturing him to sit at a nearby bench. "Of course, but how come you're so curious about him?" He asks. "The same excuse, I love solving mysteries and during my free time before the main events, I thought I'd give it a chance," Ruby says. "I actually love solving mysteries too, if you like, I can help!" He exclaims and Ruby becomes excited.

"Oh wow, that's perfect. So what do you know about The Lost Prince?" She asks. "As I mentioned, he and I were childhood friends. He's the reason why I became the best dancer around the kingdoms. And that's how I met Princess Juliana," he smiles, mentioning her name. "As kids, the three of us, him, Prince Yoongi, and I were taught to dance by dance instructor and I guess we took the dancing thing seriously."

"We were all good at dancing and when I met Princess Juliana at Prince Yoongi's 6th birthday, I guess we broke the Royal Dancing Trio and I danced with Princess Juliana. We both were labeled as the number one dancing couple. Prince Yoongi and Prince Jungkook have competed in the same competitions and Prince Jungkook would always win which made Prince Yoongi jealous." Ruby indeed remembered Prince Taehyung explaining about that as well.

"Prince Yoongi hated the way Prince Jungkook and I received a lot more attention than he was and stopped talking to us. Although now, we speak a bit. After the prince's disappearance, we were all sad about the news. I'm helping you because not only do I love solving mysteries but t save my friend and reunite the three of us once again," he smiles as he looks up at the sky.

"That's the main thing I know about The Lost Prince," he finishes his side of the story. The two remained in silence, catching nervy detail in mind. "Who else have you asked about The Lost Prince?" Prince Seokjin asks, breaking the quiet tension.

"Oh, Prince Jimin and Prince Taehyung seemed to know a bit about The Lost Prince. But Prince Hoseok did not care and doesn't seem to know about it," Ruby shrugs. "I think I saw Prince Namjoon walking around at Samba Square a moment ago, on my way here. If you want, we can go over there now and ask him about The Lost Prince." Prince Seokjin makes a plan and Ruby agrees with him.

The three of them leave Jive Park and walked to Samba Square. By the time they arrived there, it didn't take long to find Prince Namjoon, especially during the early morning. He looked like he was carrying groceries.

"Prince Namjoon!" They call him out which successfully grabs his attention. "Hm? Good morning Princess Ruby and Prince Seokjin!" He beams. "Hello, Prince Namjoon. Princess Ruby and I are on a mission to ask if you know about The Lost Prince?" Prince Namjoon thinks about it for a moment before he opens his mouth to speak. "Not that I know about The Lost Prince, I apologize," he sadly shrugs and they both thanked him for his help.

"But, I passed by Rumba Beach and spoke with Prince Hoseok about how Ruby was talking about The Lost Prince. It seemed like he knows a lot about The Lost Prince," Prince Namjoon said. "What?! But Prince Hoseok said he doesn't know about The Lost Prince, he sounded like he didn't care," Ruby complains.

"Oh really? Because he told me a lot about The Lost Prince and it sounded very interesting. He told me he didn't want to tell you because well, he's a jokester." "That jerk! Where's Rumba Beach?" Ruby angrily asks. "You don't know your way around your own kingdom?" Both princes mumbled at the same time. "Memory loss," Chip awkwardly smiles.

Ruby thanked Prince Namjoon and believed every word he says because if all the princes are like the college guys from her world, then she knows Prince Namjoon is telling the truth. They walked past Jive Park and it appeared to be right there across from where they are.

Thankfully, they were able to find Prince Hoseok who was busy playing in the sand. "Prince Hoseok!" She shouts from afar and Prince Hoseok sees an angry Ruby and thought he was in trouble. "Why did you lie to me about not knowing about The Lost Prince?" She confronts as she comes face-to-face with Prince Hoseok.

"I just thought you looked adorable having fun playing detective, and hey look! You have Prince Seokjin as your sidekick!" He laughs. "This isn't funny, I really wanna' help to look for The Lost Prince who's been missing for so long and his kingdom misses him!" She confronts him and Prince Hoseok understood the message.

"Okay, okay!" He calms Ruby down. "I'll tell you, I'm sorry. What I know about The Lost Prince is that he and my parents are friends. I remembered hearing my mom speaking with the Queen of the Dandelion Empire. Supposedly, The Lost Prince had left a letter in his room before he left his home kingdom. Something about being able to disappear because he wanted Prince Yoongi to be happy again. He wanted to quit dancing, but his parents did not want him to stop what he loves the most."

So the prince wanted to quit dancing and left his home kingdom just to make Prince Yoongi happy again. "I didn't know about that," Prince Seokjin said with a surprised look on his face. "Well, it was top secret and my mom and the queen are very close friends so they trusted each other," Prince Hoseok says.

"That's why I guess I didn't want to tell you," Prince Hoseok gives an apologetic look to Ruby. "T-That's fine, we won't say a word," Ruby promises. "Princess, you should be heading to Practice Hall right now, you have practice," Chip reminds Ruby. "Oh right, I forgot. Well, thank you both, I must head back," she thanked both princes.

"If you like, I can walk you there," Prince Seokjin suggests. "If you don't mind," Ruby smiles, she felt excitement inside her stomach. They waved goodbye at Prince Hoseok and left Rumba beach. "Aside from finding The Lost Prince, I hope you practiced for the contest that's coming up in two days," he says as he looks over at Ruby.

He expected Ruby to be quite nervous despite hearing the rumors Prince Yoongi had said, but he also didn't believe him and saw how much confidence Ruby had. "I know and I may not pick my partner yet, but I know I can do it!" Ruby smiles. "I'm sure you can, well, good luck on finding your dance partner and at the contest," he smiles back.

They crossed the bridge that connects the village to the castle. They stopped in front of Practice Hall and Ruby thanked the prince for his help. "You can let me know anything about The Lost Prince and I'll do the same, right now, I should get back to practicing as well with Princess Juliana," he said.

"Send my greeting to Princess Juliana," Ruby sadly smiles. "Will do, good day, Princess Ruby!" Prince Seokjin takes his leave and walks back to the village. "You're in love," Chip teases. "No I'm not, and by the way, he's with Princess Juliana," Ruby blushes non-stop. When they entered, Jare was patiently waiting for Ruby.

"Just in time, we need to do a lot of practicing for the upcoming contest," Jare claps his hands. "I think I got it," Ruby states. "Perfect, because we're going to make this dance from easy to challenge mode," Jare smirks. Ruby was up for the challenge and managed to keep on track when she dances.

She doesn't care about winning, but prove to the whole kingdom that she can dance better and find The Lost Prince...

To Be Continued...


1,479 Words

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