11. Broken

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Time: early morning
Location: Malibu

Stiles pov:

I haven't been able to sleep for last few days. I don't have to go back to school for almost 2 months. I don't know what to do.
I am drowning in the ocean of self loathing and feeling unloved. It has gotten to the point where I am unable to speak without stuttering.
I can't eat without throwing up everything I ate and I keep seeing this faceless man ,Noah and all my ex friends back from beacon hills repeating the same things.

You are worthless.

No one needs you.

You just keep annoying everyone around you.

Your just a trash.

No one loves you!

You killed your mother!

You got scott bit!

You always make things worse.

And the list of things they say to me goes on.
I know that this is not true but I can't help myself because it feels true. I am all alone here in this hotel room and haven't left this since I got here.

I need help but I am all alone. Everyone I knew is back in beacon hill or in school or with their families. I don't want to take their family time away from them. Probably I will be alone till my last breath.

I am desperate for help but I know only the girls from our gang and james will be able to help me but they are all so far from me.

Suddenly a realization struck my mind. Sophia lives in Malibu. I knew I needed help and if I didn't get it fast I may not make it alive. All this depression will eat me alive. So I just gave it a shot.

I called sophia and she picked up my call on the 4th ring.

"Hello?"I said in a weak voice

" Oh my god stiles why were you not picking up your phone? I know you are with your family but that doesn't mean you have to ignore all your friends"

I sat on my bed silent not knowing how to ask for help.

"Stiles? Are you there?"

Just by hearing her voice I lost control of my emotions and started crying.
I was sobbing and breathing heavily

"Are you okay stiles?"

" Yeah I am okay. I just wanted to ask you where are you?"

"You don't sound okay stiles. What's the matter."

" I will tell you but you first tell me where are you?"

"I am at school now but I am going to Malibu tonight"

"Oh... okay."

"Whats the matter stiles?"

"I will tell you when you come to Malibu. I will text you the address of the hotel I am staying at. You can come whenever you are free."

"You are in Malibu? I thought you were going to beacon hills to you father's wedding"

" I will tell you when you come here. I just need someone. I c..can..can't do this anymore."

"What do you mean stiles? What can't you do?"

" I will tell you when you come."

" Okay. I will be there tomorrow"

And I hung up the phone and started sobbing. I cried until I passed out due to exhaustion


Sophia pov:

I was packing most of my things to take back home when I heard my phone ringing. Stiles was calling me. As I picked up the call I blurted everything  that was on my mind.
I knew something was wrong by the weak greeting stiles gave me. He is usually so cheerful and happy. He never gets tired. But when stiles kept quite on the other end of the call my suspicion was confirmed. I could hear his heavy breathing so I asked him if he was okay but suddenly he started crying.

I didn't knew what to do. I tried to calm him down but I was failing miserably.
He asked me to come to this hotel to meet him.

I was freaking out after the call ended. What did he mean by he can't do this anymore? 

I went to dad and told him everything. He and I we both were going home after a long time. Dad took holiday after a long time. He is usually busy working in his lab and taking care of all the matters related to school.

And yes I am the daughter of Mr Black the owner of oakleaf high. Not many people know about this though.

After I explained everything to dad he asked me
"Wasn't Mr. Stilinski supposed to go to his home town to his father's wedding?"

" Yeah. He said he will tell me everything once I meet him......Dad he sounded so lost and desperate. Something is seriously wrong with him. Usually he is so confident and cheerful and nothing can make him feel bad. He never even cried after all those times he was bullied. I am worried about him dad. You should have heard how hopless his cries were dad. What do I do dad. He is like my little brother" I babbled. By the end of it there were tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"We will do something Sophia. We will help him. Now get your bags we have to go catch the flight"

I do as he said and we leave for the airport. We get in the plane and I doze off after some time thinking of what could make stiles so vulnerable and how will I help my little brother?


Hey everyone
Sorry for taking long to update. I just had so many incomplete assignments and a test coming.
And I got this good idea for a book and I just had to write it.
I know this chapter is smaller than others but I will update soon

Happy reading
And don't forget to
And Follow me

P.S. did you see the trailer of infinite?
Dylan o'brien looks so hot in it

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