10. Liars

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Pack pov:

It's the day of Noah and Melissa's wedding ceremony.
Lydia, Kira, and the complete pack helped Noah and Melissa in completing the arrangements for this ceremony.
The complete place was decorated with white flowers and pink lights

Everyone was there. Hospital staff, sheriffs station staff and close friends of bride and groom and the complete pack.

Melissa was wearing a beautiful white gown and Noah was wearing a royal blue suit. The ceremony went well and all the guests left.

It was after wedding party just for Noah Melissa and the pack.

After having so much fun all of them were sitting in the stilinski house when derek asked
" where is stiles? He wasn't present during the ceremony. "

To which Noah replied by waving a hand and saying " don't worry derek, he has exams so he couldn't make it "

Derek found this weird. Stiles was not one of people who would miss someone's important moments especially his own father's wedding ceremony. And he certainly was not one of those to hold grudges against someone. Probably he really could not make it- derek thought and left the topic alone.

Everyone had a great time and they were about to leave when the door bell rang. Jackson went and received the parcel addressed to John and Melissa.

It looked like a gift. When they opened it they found two gifts inside it. One was a Rolex watch and second was a Gucci bag. Both the gifts were expensive.

"Who could send so expensive gifts to us?" Melissa asked Noah

"Look there's a letter" lydia said

Noah opened the letter and read for Melissa

Dear Mr and Mrs Stilinski

Congratulations! I am stiles friend James. We are actually roommates.
So stiles bought these gifts for you but he forgot them here. When I saw them I quickly packed them and sent them at your address. I hope you get them on time.

And stiles when will you stop forgetting things. Be responsible. I hope you are enjoying the time with your family. I still can't belive that you passed the class in just what 3 months?

Ps: pickup our phones idiot. Sophia and all others are asking for you. We miss you little man😂

PPS: don't kill me because of that name.

Your bro

After reading the letter Noah was furious.
"He lied to me again" he muttered with his teeth pressed against each other.

"Noah calm down. We should try calling him. He may be in trouble. Just calm down" Melissa tried to calm him down.

" He told me he had exams that's why he couldn't come. He sounded so happy on call. But then he does this." Noah said clearly frustrated from all that was happening.

" Just try calling him" Someone said

Noah called him twice. The third time stiles accepted the call just before it was about to end.

"Hello?" Stiles answered. It sounded like he was sleeping

"Stiles! Where are you? And where did you get money from to buy those expensive gifts?" Noah exclaimed

There was a moment of silence on the other end

"Oh its you. So you got the gifts?" Stiles tried changing subject.

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